Ive played this game way too much and scary thing is ive about memorized all 75 monsters weakness...anyways some basic tidbits that save ur butt later in the game...find every treasure chest u can...great items are in them, such as armor and weapons, also stat raising items. Also forge alot! the higher the level on your weapons and armor the better attack defense they give you! Also keep alot of food on you all the time and also upgrade thier skills alot...better effects and unlock better mroe epic skills, such as limit breaks...which are really powerful. also try to dress 2 out of 3 three ppl the mosters and the enviroment...there is a theme each area you go to and it is really easy to figure out...if u need more help just say so and ill help the best i can! Thanks...kervile out!
If you're desperate for medals, go searching for all of the chests in places you've visited (if you haven't already). Or you could go ahead and complete quests. Once you have enough medals, go to the hidden areas.
I feel rather stupid at admiting being stuck, seeing as how I am a die hard rpg fan. But here I am stuck at the entrance to the ruins. I did the drill sidequests. I have both orbs that are easy to acquire. But I have no idea how to acquire the other two. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
the gate to the ruins is really hard took me 5 to six hours to figre it out...have you noticed the etchings on the wall at all? they are exactly what you need to do...the easiest two are the ones that open like an x but one piece at a time the way by the drill people is another easy one the last one is the hardest...remember the doors right in front of the switches? open the one on the right and also active the lever above it and that should open it up...just a precaution of the boss...has crap load of defense but kill able and his little buddies if they low health they blow up into u...hope that helps...if u need more just ask...im more than happy to help!
i have been playing this game for a while cause ive been saving and then coming back for a couple of days in a row and if i forgot to save it just put me back to where i was. then yesterday i forgot to save so i thought whatever i'll just have to do that part over but when i came back today my whole game was gone soo now ive just stopped playing cause i'm not doing it all over cause i got past the desert dude and was in the dark lava place so yeah anyone know what happened to my game???? *sorry if this is confusing