:: Please be nice! :: Make sure the title you give the player above you isnt offensive :: it doesnt have to be lengthy, just don't make it three words!
You must give a title to the player who posted before you and give a reason! the reason can either be based off of fact or completely made up!
After your done giving the player a title, its your turn! say in your post "Give me a Title!"
Player One: Give me a Title! Player Two: (username), The Oddity! Because you always post weird stuff! Give me a Title!
Oh... sorry for double-posting. Well, just pretend I said 'A unicorn with a high ranking and a fairly nonsensical username.' Kay? Sorry, my mind is mixed today.
Not really posting in the wrong section, just saying the wrong thing. These are pretty similar threads. Anyway, you are the double-poster with almost 4,000 posts.(congrats!)