Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
I find EP1 much better for a single reason : the controls.
In EP1, the controls were reactive and precise, if you died it was basically your fault.
In EP2, sometime the controls just do not respond when you press the keys. The best example is the double jump, sometime the 2nd jump does not happen despite you're pressing "UP" during your jump. This alone will kill your character without you being able to do anything.
I don't know if it has to do with lags, as i play only uniplayer and noticed this very annoying problem on stages without much going and on stages with lots of animations.
I hope this will be fixed, in a game in which controls are everything, having them badly working is the worst that can happen.
also there's one other thing i'd like to add. This is of course simply my personal opinion.
Anyeway, I noticed that the rroms are split into 3, one for levels 0-15, another for 0-30 and another just for higher levels. I know this is a feature a lot of people like, but I for one don't really. Its just because when I first started, even though i was in the lower levels, i enjoyed playing against higher levels and grandmasters in ep1. Without this early experience, I wouldn't have learned half the techniques and how the levels worked. I think exposure to higher level players is a good thing for lower level players, even early on, so this option should be available imo for everyone to compete against everyone else.
I always wanted to jump in to the higher levels, for faster leveling, the features of having lvl capacities is preventing me from the full experience, and yet another reason why i thought number 1 was just better
i think lower lvls showdnt be able to join the advanced room but a higher lvl can goto a lower room, that would elimenate the probrem of sometimes no advanced players being on for pros, and noobs good c pros in action