Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
That's supposed to say them :P. Btw, we both said kind of the same thing . And brighter colors make you lag less right? I know that flairs make you lag more :P.
They are faceless, though, so I don't see how that's going to work out
It's really simple. Ask a girl facing you to turn her head 90 degrees to the right, and add the lips on like that. If there is flair hats that cover the head region, this can work out as well, I want it as head flair.
All old flair will stay in the game. In addition we're looking at new flair for head and hands once more.
Here comes the infobomb! Turn away if you want no part!
Also in addition to these parts is SKINS in which you can choose a different look for your player altogether. Above you can see my new favourite, "Wheelchair."
Let me explain FLOW a bit more since people are concerned:
1) Flow-tap is eliminated. In Exit Path 1 you could tap the Flow button to conserve Flow and not spend it. It was an oversight from the beginning and it's much easier for me to give you more flow options than it is to taptaptap conserve... let's be honest, tapping the button a bunch of times is annoying and a workout for your keyboard. As advantageous as it was it's more of an advantage of knowing "it exists" than a measure of how much skill you have.
2) Flow is timed out. If you Flow then release you'll get a mandatory tiny timeout (It's like 1/2 a second). This will prevent you from tapping Flow to death and having infinite Flow. Also it prevents headaches from that whoosh sound effect you get a hundred times.
3) Flow is two-staged. You get a first flow meter (like in Exit Path 1) and a second flow meter . If you fill your first flow meter your second will start to fill. If your second fills beyond the line you have the option of initiating "super-flow" (that name sucks, let me come up with a better one).
4) Super flow lasts until you release it, meaning you will super flow throughout normal Flow and super Flow. That's a lot of speed, and you go really fast in this mode. If you release super flow before it fully depletes you will keep any flow remaining, just like in Exit Path 1. You are still subject to the timeout of first level Flow.
5) Flow comes much faster in Exit Path 2. This is good for everyone... reward those who don't run into stuff and give those players who want to taptaptap their way to the finish line a way to continue hauling ***. People who are good at Exit Path are those who figure out how to play the levels and where to use Flow.
6) John, you suck. Why do you take away your glitchy codes ? No problem, Multiplayer will offer you some crazy options for your own custom rooms (full flow always, no timeout, etc).
I guess people with 1 -4 million exp who have played the game thousands of times find it perfect, and any changes might not be liked, but I'm SUPER excited for EP2.