Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
...well at least I feel decent now, because I get that dj almost every time... another thing, who does the dj in level 10 here? I saw that pain don't take it in his vid and I wasn't sure it was very useful to save flow for lvl 11...
The two main problems I have while playing uniplayer is level 10(crossroads level) and level 27 with that double jump.
On level 10 I always mess up the double jump because all the spikes, saws, treadmill and laser bring extreme lag. Same problem with level 30, but I get that done quickly with flow.
I think that the top is more reliable and a little bit faster than the normal double jump. I've tested them both and have gotten one second faster with top. Well, that's how I got 3.00. Heh.
It's difficult for me to get under 3.00 seeing that I die on level 27 all the time. Well, there's always another day where I can try to get a better time.
That's random, but do you mean what colors I use for my character?
The colors that I've always stayed with are white/blue or blue/white. I started using those two when I first started playing and always go back to using those.
I change my colors a lot though. Sometimes I don't pay attention with picking colors for my character, I just use random colors.
Nobody shocked by Faith's 2:30? and my favorite outfit is white body and blue ears. But when I want to play as a guest, I may be a black guy with a red lightsaber.
I usually use white with any other color or gray with purple or orange. I like changing it regularly but once I remained with white and orange for a good while.