Welcome all Exit Pathers! This is a designated topic to have all types of convos about Exit Path. One of the purposes of this topic is to keep all conversational-type comments away from the game comments and have them here.
I found something weird. There is about a month that I don't play uniplayer but I still go on there. Then I see I am on level 5 but I always erase my progress. Today I open it up again and I am still on level five.
That is called the refresh glitch. It's when you refresh it and then you get back to that level.
The refresh glitch is when you intentionally do it so that you restart the level, starting on the level on the game means that he didn't clear the recent game and logged out.
An Exit Path Tournament would be very hard to do since it's a random room generator and would be very time consuming. Maybe in Exit Path 2 if there's private rooms, but on the current state of the game I don't think it's going to be possible.
[quote=GhostOfMatrix]Maybe in Exit Path 2 if there's private rooms[/quote] Yea, I am planning on creating a group on AG3 expressly for that purpose. I don't have any details about this group, however. I need to think it out more.
[quote=GhostOfMatrix]Why are you confusing Exit Path with AG3?[/quote] I am not confusing anything. When AG3 comes out with the ability to create groups (hopefully by then EP2 will come out), I will be creating this EP2 group.
My post had nothing to do with groups so you quoting my post then talking about groups made no sense. Therefore you confused Exit Path 2 with AG3 since you quoted me then talked about AG3 when nowhere in my post I said anything about AG3. My post was about private rooms on Exit Path 2, not groups.
oic now. sorry about that. I am planning on creating a group regardless. Not to be off topic or anything, but when are you going to come out with your new "about"?
John said that he was going to send out invites a week or two on May fourth. It's been a week in some days, I'm not sure if anyone has gotten anything.
[quote]I also dislike Treadmillvania. That level is EVIL!!
Personally one of my favourite levels even though it laggs for me like zipper but the point is-i know just everything about that level so i always win
But ZIPPER is a real EVIL for me.Because it`s the easiest and "laggiest" level in the game.And i always lose coz of laggs.Skills don`t even matter on that level except for the last part with blocks...