An anagram is a word created by rearranging the letters in another word. They can be fun, especially when applied to names.
For example, my name (in real life) is an anagram of "A Learned Worm", which I find quite fitting. My AG name is an anagram of Darken and Ark End.
So, I thought, wouldn't it be nice if we had a thread where we post ORIGINAL* (that means your own creations) anagrams, preferably of names?
Of course, if you're posting an anagram of your real name, don't actually post your name, because people on the internet are trying to kill you and whatnot. Better yet, just anagram-ize your AG screen name.
Ok, So! I'm glad to see this thread is having moderate success. There have been some great anagrams posted (Machines Learn being my favorite so far) and some... not so great anagrams. But that's okay!
Because, you see, I have some tips, of the helpful variety.
1) Play with word order. The generator just spouts out words. Sometimes (almost always) they're just gibberish. You usually have to rearrange the words yourself to give them meaning.
For instance: Vontje's anagram "envy no" obviously works better as "No Envy"
2) If you don't get very many good results, just add words to your name.
For instance: I am [insert name] [insert name], the man/woman [insert name] is The [insert adjective] [insert name] {insert name] of [insert place]
Picking the right word(s) to add require a little finesse. Just randomly inserting words into the generator will be much too time consuming. Rather, look at the anagrams of your name alone, and try to think about which letters are needed to make it better.
Example: My AG screen name, aknerd, is short for AK Nerd, which is short for Alaskan Nerd. But, more importantly, it's an anagram of "R naked".
Which means nothing. But "r" is just two letters from another word, "ran"
So, I add the "an" to both sides, and:
An AK nerd ran naked.
A complete sentence and an anagram.
REMINDERS Just post a few good anagrams at a time, not lists of gibberish spouted by the generator.
Also, you can do names other than your own as well! (please, no AG members without permission.)
I can't find any non-generator-crap anagrams for my name at all. Love Is Mr No is the best one is found XD. There are some cool words, but no full phrases that I like.
Human Neglect Chalet Gunmen Change Elm Nut Entangle Much Channel Me Gut Enchant Leg Um Clean Gem Hunt Came Then Lung Clang Hen Mute Launch Gem Net Lag Etch Em Nun
All these were created with my real name. Of course this isn't all of it.
I got 2128 results for my name. I'll just post some random ones. There are too many too look at to find a good one. A Darn Valor Jock Jenny A Rand Valor Jock Jenny Jackal Jar Vend Nor Yon Jackal Jar Nod Nervy No
27 results for my username? That's good cause I can post them all here!
Fared Irk Drake Fir Raked Fir Darker If Dark Rife Dark Fire Faker Rid Freak Rid Fear Dirk Fare Dirk Fakir Red Far Irked Ark Fried Ark Fired A Dirk Ref Ad Ref Irk Fad Re Irk Dark Ref I Dark Re If Fa Red Irk Fa Kid Err Fa Dirk Re Far Ed Irk Far Kid Re Ark Ed Fir Ark Red If Ark Id Ref
I ran 'GhostOfMatrix' and got over seven thousand results. I won't even bother looking at those names. I ran 'Matrix' and got eight results, so I'll post them. Matrix Tram Xi Mart Xi Tar Mix Art Mix Rat Mix Tax Rim Ax Trim
Man, I can't find any anagrams for my name that make any sense. I did find one somewhat funny one: Mac Chief Jeer
Because my name has a J in it, it really throws a wrench in the works. All the other letters in my name are pretty common and can be used in lots of words.
I just found a funny one for my favorite display name (McAfreak): Cake Farm
Here's a few funny ones for Linktopast. I had to pass it through several filters to get rid of useless words, and I could still only sift through them to find these two: Pintos Talk Tank Pilots
Even when using the advanced tool, it still uses a lot of obscure words. I chose to use English, not English using obscure words (I double checked). Also, the filter to not include certain words only works to a point. I can't get it below 463 anagrams now if I want to use two-letter words as the minimum. With three-letter words and up, I can narrow it down.