I recently have been wondering, why does America have pornography? Is it because we need it? Personally, I don't think so. Is it even morally correct to watch, pay for, or create pornographic material? If so, then why is there an age restriction on such things? Is it because younger Americans should not be privy to such things, or is it because the greater part of the Nation is embarrased to even know such material exists?
I am going to assume that most, if not all of you have seen some form of pornographic material in your life. Did seeing that change your life, or make you a less inteligent, caring person? Has seeing pornographic images made you forget your personal morals, or did it make you a better person?
Why is the age restriction set at 18? Why did they choose that age specifically for tobacco products and pornography to suddenly become legal? Does that mean that pornography is somehow more morally correct than drinking, because the age restriction on that is 21. If so, should they raise the ponography cap, or lower the drinking cap. Why not just throw all those things onto people at the same time?
I am not suggesting that people could not start families with someone. In no way do I want to say that sex is bad. I want to know why pornography is sp prevolent in American Society today, why there are age restrictions on pornography, drinking, and tobacco. Is pornographic material even morally decent, and why, if it isn't, are some pornographic websites among the most frequently visited websites in the world?
I think that a lot of the people uptight about all this pornography are perhaps either never exposed to brazen sexual activity, or they grew up in a community where people never talked about it or maybe they are just hypocritical. People are not having sex more often, but as population increases, the media influences and the internet becomes more widely sread, it may seem that way to some people. But. Why be offended at something we'll (most of us) do anyway? Though I think that we have something to worry about if sex in public places becomes any kind of legal
Well, what i beleive is that many people realized sex is one of the most powerful forces in the world, and used this power to gain the focus of millions around the world. At first many thought that it was aweful to have a girl show this for the public to see, but really porn dates back to long ago, look at the prostetutes of the reinessance. Porn is in my eyes a hypnotic wepon just as much as entertainment to the public. Am I saying porn is stupid and should never exist? No I am not, I can care less if it exists i don't see how it harms the world too much, but if you don't like it, then don't watch it. I personally do not (Not saying I never did) but thats just how I view it, the generations are slowly becoming more tolerated to things such as sex, drugs, and cursing. I think they are there so that people can use them to gain things, I'm not saying this is at all good.
Please do not go off and become a pimp drug lord because you read this -_-'
I'm not, just trying not to change who someone is, I'm a random dude on the internet, I don't want to be the cause of people's lives changing.
But if they change their lives because of you, then you can only have been a positive influence, as they refined their views from what the previously perceived as "right" but now perceive as "wrong", to what they now perceive as "right."