It would be nice if on the homepage of AG3, there could be a little box that had a randomly picked "Game of the Day". When you played the game of the day, there could be an icon that shows it's the game of the day and maybe there could be some special achievement or something for playing the game or a special theme for the site homepage that was somehow related to the game.
I do enjoy the idea of a "game of the day" which we could automate to some degree. Like we've said before, a truly "random game" was quite a performance hit on the web site, it slowed things down considerably, so I'm not sure we'll go that route at all.
To quote my favorite comedian Mitch Hedberg, "I'm tired of the 'soup of the day' ... we need to make a *decision* ... I want to know what the 'soup from now on' is gonna be."
As opposed to random games of each day, games that have been popular should be featured, sometimes for a little more than a day, but not usually much more.
I think it's a really awesome idea, sometimes I go into the website without a clue of what game to play. It can be very nice if the site itself will suggest you a random game once a day
I think that when people play a game that they enjoyed they could vote it for game of the day the previous day. maybe get a system like "this game got the most votes so it goes on", but once its been voted for it cant be on for another week, or maybe even a month.
Good idea! But I think it would be better to have a game of the week. This is because if you were to make a game of the day, then the admins would have to make a new theme just about every day, which would be a lot of work.
Hmmm well the voting idea is a whole other story, it would have to be game of the week for that.... and I like the game of the month,year,century,millionum. Thing you got going there. But it seems like an almost differnat topic. But it is realy up to larry and the dev team, have ya put it "on his plate" yet Ian? There would have to be a whole differnat "up/down" system for games, and it would have to (as said above^^) disqualify any one how got it last week or month, probley give them a 1 month disqualifaction so tthat it would not effect the chance for others in a game of the month constest. The lucky programers could get an achevment plus some thing to make the game more noticable like a star by them.