ForumsWEPRThe Idea Of Insignificance

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314 posts

I know a lot of people consider humans to be insignificant in comparison to the infinitely large universe we exist in. They say that because we cannot even begin to fathom, within the parameters of our mind, the true size of the universe we live in, and because of that we are considered immensely "small". But my question is about "Why size matters?". We each have our own life and isn't a life an incomprehensible phenomena that no one can explain perfectly? The life we live, the joy we feel, the people we love, the pain we go through, etc. ; is all that really not important at all? Do we and all we feel and do mean that little? Can you really say that you mean close to nothing when you know/feel/experience all these things in your life?

I want to here everyones opinion on this and please don't spam.

  • 44 Replies
10 posts

Significance is a matter of opinion, but if you BELIEVE that there is no point to life, that when you die you will cease to exist, nothing anyone could possible do should seem significant to you. What does it matter, you won't exist anymore anyways, and anyone you impacted will eventually meet the same demise.

It just seems foolish to me, if you believe these things, and then act like you matter.

1,448 posts

Insignificance is all a matter of opinion.

Just because it is relative does not imply it is a matter of opinion, and therefore you can believe what you want.
68 posts

If you believe in typical atheism, that there is no God or spiritual deity, that when you die you will simply turn into the dirt you came from, then yes. You are an insignificant, pointless creature that will live a brief, pathetic life.

First, this "typical atheist" idea does not exist. The beauty of atheism is that we have no dogma to make us typical -- there is no norm from which we can deviate to make us "atypical."
Second, This does not make you insignificant. It makes you worm food. And worm food makes worm poop. And worm poop makes wonderful fertilizer. And fertilizer makes plants grow big and full. And other people eat plants. Therefore, you are significant in the grand scheme of human civilization. (Sorry for the staccato sentences, but this was don rather quickly and that's the best way to represent clear, logical connections.)
I don't think that anyone can explain whether we matter in the grand scheme of the universe, since none of us (<-this is an assumption so let me state that-&gt can think on the level of the entire universe. It's just so much larger than us, we can't even fathom its "meaning" or "significance."
P.S. If you *can* think on this level, then please let me know the secret to the meaning of life. Much appreciated.
6,800 posts

Insignificane =/= Pointless, in response to the OP.

And if you consider the fact that *in theory*, theres only one known planet with life, and a possible *infinite* number of planets, none of which are thought to have life, than the average population of each planet in the Universe is less than zero.

Jus' sayin'.

486 posts

and a possible *infinite* number of planets

The universe is believes to be finite
none of which are thought to have life

Who says so?
than the average population of each planet in the Universe is less than zero

So there are anti-life forms now?
10 posts

This does not make you insignificant. It makes you worm food. And worm food makes worm poop. And worm poop makes wonderful fertilizer. And fertilizer makes plants grow big and full. And other people eat plants. Therefore, you are significant in the grand scheme of human civilization.

So what? Does fixing the trunk of a car, only to have the car explode, really do anything? The nature of our world is to deteriorate, so eventually it all will end anyways.

I suppose you can be noble and say you care about our civilization, but it seems pointless to me if you believe you will simply cease to exist, as will everything else.

314 posts

than the average population of each planet in the Universe is less than zero.

There have "Negative People" Now?! :O

The nature of our world is to deteriorate, so eventually it all will end anyways.

What if we change the outlook upon getting to deteriorate? If you believe it all will be gone then there must be a reason for it all having to go. If you think we are insignificant because it all leads to nothingness, then how about we are contributing to becoming nothingness? If we are dying off and becoming nothing then isn't that significant in the goal of becoming nothing? ( just a random thought for another viewpoint) I mean maybe we are significant towards a negative cause, instead of a positive one.(like most the viewpoints brought up thus far)
890 posts

I don't care about being important, I just want to live a happy life.

68 posts

If you think we are insignificant because it all leads to nothingness, then how about we are contributing to becoming nothingness?

Thank you for elucidating my point a little more clearly here, Music. However, it may not be nothingness to which we are headed. It may just be that our "ultimate goal" is to live, procreate, die, and give our atoms back to nature.
I am thinking in terms of evolutionary biology, here. However, we must consider that humans have turned evolutionary theory on its head wrt to our place in the natural order. We have overcome so many natural selectors (bacteria, viruses, climate, predators, etc.) through technology (antibiotics, antivirals, air conditioning/heating, shelters/weapons, etc.) that we have almost taken ourselves out of the natural order.
Does this change our ultimate meaning, or our definition of significance, wrt to my earlier post?
68 posts

Oh, and btw...

the average population of each planet in the Universe is less than zero.

I can understand this mathematical error, as your prof tells your age, but just so you know, the correct answer is "indefinable." However, it would be very close to 0.
(I think... Math ain't exactly my strong suit...
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