the best combination is kitilid (the bug head) anf fighter because u start with some pretty good spells and when u lvl up fighter class gives u really good armor and stamina
i got really far with a werewolf wanderer, really high stamina, some monster couldn`t even get my life down, as i recuperated life faster then i was receiving damage, i died ith like, 60k mana pearls o.o
i would like to know, what stats you guys use more? when leveling up, and chosing weapons, for exemple
I prefer the lightwielders due to having the ability to heal from the start.
I though so too, but when I played, I just found myself using heal like 2 or less times in a level, usually agains bosses.
Btw shield is really nice in bosses, since they usually do much damage per attack.
And how you fight agains multiple enemies?I havent so much problem until cave 5 ot was in 6, when in some room all enemies were so close together!And boss was at next to starting place, I went too close, it follows me, I run to room all enemeis follow me, them I got another room, still more enemis and... DEAD! >
I found that maxing out on willpower and intellect is the best. Well, since it takes so long till you get a good melee weapon. At level 40 I looted an axe with 80-139 atk. xD Being a melee user would be pretty sweet at that point but I hadnt gave a single level in strength on my character
A good combination (as already mentioned) is the Atlantian Magus - you got 2 different spells to deal with everything. Of course you can get spells via equipment but what if you get better loot? Then you lose your spells. Freezing Wind is the best spell in the game, because it has the best mana/damage-ratio and as time stops if you cast, you can do infinite dps. So it is wise to invest the first 12 levels mainly in willpower - you may need 20 casts for huge bosses but hey - you got the time. The problem with being a fighter are the opponent mages who can heal each other up once in a bundle.
Does anyone have an idea what to do in order to get all the titles? I think it would be nice to list them all:
I just played with Vampire reaper, And I did it pretty good (well that might be caused also by that that now I how to play wisly).Crital hit-spell is nice, but you get 2 often at start so that isnt so nice...But using charge+critical hit proves its usefullness
@finn what level have you reached? later you cant just charge because too many enemies stand to each other and there are also few mobs u cant charge because they charge you