i dont like "avatar" as in the blue people..i like avatar the last airbender because of my love for the cartoon show to bad they couldnt call it the full name
I saw them both and i hated them both. One was junk to begin with and the other was junk in a hidden door. The Last Airbender had a bad sotryline and terrible actors. The plot was stupid and at points had several flaws. It made me angry that my friends wanted to see it and from the looks on the TV too, you could tell it was bad. Avarta wasn't as good as peole said it was. The idea was good, but the way they put it, made it very lame. I expected something better, but it let me down. I don't know, it's just my opinion. If I had to chose one, I'd have to say Avatar, because I was able to get into the story more than I was able to get into the Avatar the Last Airbender.
Ps: I think the idea of this thread is absolutely pointless and I wish it didn't exsist, but of course if I just complained I wouldn't be contributing, would I?
I like the Avatar movie with the blue people but I prefer to watch the Avatar: The Last Air Bender cartoons. I didn't have the opportunity to watch the movie yet.
I like them both, the movie with the blue people and the avatar animation shows. The Avatar: The last Airbender movie, I didn't bother with watching it since many of my friends told me it was horrible. With the shows though, I thought they could've kept it going. It kind of left me hanging at the end of the series when Zuko asked for where his mother was. . . I expected for it to continue. The movie with the blue people was great. It has a lot of acting scenes and it's emotional.
Avatar the Last Airbender was a good show but like everything he touches M. Knight Shamalyan killed it, raised it as a zombie, and paraded it in front of us. Curse you Shamalayan for destroying another series. Avatar wasn't that bad.
And I will lock this for being too vague to be properly compared, and otherwise being like comparing cars and spoons for both being shiny. Next time, if you really, really, do want to make these versus threads, instead of picking a topic and discuss it, at least make sure to explain what you are comparing. As it stands now, you are asking people to compare either a sci-fi movie and a fantasy movie, or a sci-fi movie and a fantasy cartoon.
Also, please do make sure to make a proper opening post, and if you are to include your own opinion, do so in the op, not by bumping the thread.