ForumsNews and FeedbackForum notifications?

1 2447
10 posts

Again, I apologize if a thread suggesting this idea has already been made, I did not see one.

In many of the online forums that I've participated in, it is extremely helpful to be able to see where you've been and what you've commented on... else someone might respond to you and you would never be the wiser. However having in each post a button, allowing the poster to know someone is responding to their comment, would be quite helpful.

I don't know how difficult it would be to implement this idea, but nevertheless I believe it would be a major boon to keeping up with the topics you are responding to.

  • 1 Reply
2,891 posts

Yes, this has been brought up before. We haven't decided yet what our new forum system will be, let alone the features we add to it.

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