I don't have a theme song, but I really want one! I can never find one that describes me, anybody know what would be a good one for me? I play all kinds of games(tabletop roleplaying, card, board, strategy, war, miniatures, forum, flash, video/computer, etc.), I listen to all kinds of music(except rap, and mostly older music), I laugh a lot, sometimes for no reason or at something that's not all that funny, (I also kinda sound like a hyena laughing, hence my nickname), I'm a big fan of comedy (not just laughing a lot...), I have mild autism(basically I'm socially inappropriate, I get on people's nerves because they usually don't believe me, and my brain is physically wired differently from other people. this would be proof of it, cause idk if it's an appropriate thing to say or not...), I'm pretty much a nerd(into movies like Star Wars, good at math, kinda creative, smart, etc.), I'm impeccably clean(both literally and morally, but I like things like Tenacious D and Chappelle), I have a lot of bad luck, I'm a very nice guy(not just saying that, I mean it!), and I can pretty much relate to anyone (sympathetic/empathetic type thing). I find that scope to be quite wide, but even after narrowing it down, I still can't find a good theme song... The closest I ever got was "Born Under A Bad Sign" by Cream, but it does not really have anything to do with me.(As far as I'm concerned anyway...) Recommendations anyone?
??? "Eyes Of The World" by Grateful Dead? I looked up the lyrics and I don't "see" that as my theme song at all... Is this recommendation based on the name of the song or the meaning of the song? Name of the song, I would get how that could be my theme, but not really the meaning...
just keep listening to it, maybe one day you'll wake up (physically or mentally, whichever you prefer) and realize what meaning it has for you...
essentially however, its your life, so whatever song any of us chooses probably won't be right for you. I simply shared a song that has helped me "wake up" when i needed waking up. "Sometimes the songs we hear are just songs of our own"
Enjoy life, enjoy music, and remember that you are what you believe you are and nothing else (bad luck? forget about that! whatever the past has brought...has brought, live in the present, the now, the moment...you'll find luck has no place there, because your too busy living/enjoying/loving)