its impossible to stick an "origin" to terrorism since it has always been there. terrorism isnt necceserrily used by insurgents or rebels, but by governement as well, dictators terrorize people into following them.
What kind? The "Allahu Akbar!" kind or the "in the name of the king, die" kind?
If you mean the origin of the word...
Word Origin & History
terrorism 1795, in specific sense of "government intimidation during the Reign of Terror in France" (1793-July 1794), from Fr. terrorisme (1798), from L. terror (see terror).
As an action, it has always existed. If any body or group, or any one person, uses terror and fear as a means to get what they want, than they are a 'terrorist', as they are ascribing to the ideals of 'terrorism'.
Absolute Monarchs, Dictators, and Oligarchies all use Terrorism to some degree. Machiavelli wrote the book on how to keep power through fear, although he only set pre-existing ideas into stone.
More recentely, this has taken on the front of Islamic-Extremist and other such radical groups. Most famously, the Taliban, Al-Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and The (Insert Country Here) Mafia.
Terrorism has also been made fun of in numerous Societal Satires. Most notably, the SouthPark Episode in which Family Guy was to show an uncensored picture of Mohammad, and Family Guy was to air on FOX. So, Carmen goes down to the FOX HQ, and gives some people a speach on how he's going to 'scare them into doing what I want', and answered in the affirmative to the question, 'So, does that make you a terrorist?'.
Touche. As I said in my post, 'Terrorism' as an action has existed for as long as people have been around in an organized society. Ancient examples could be the Assyrians and the Hittites. Barbaricy in the flesh.
One, a scientific law doesn't create something, it states how something occurs in nature, and two, Newton's laws of motion deal more with motion in general than just specifically gravity.