Barney Brown had spent 38 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. He was sentenced when he was only 14. He was accused of raping a woman and robbing her husband. He said that reading helped him get through it. He also said the first thing he did was get a cell phone (which he had never heard of or seen before), and call his family to tell them he was free. If you were Barney Brown, how would you feel about this? Do you believe reading could have helped him that much? Why do you think he was accused? I personally think it was because he was black, and discrimnation was still popular back then, especially in California. I admire that he was not angry, and that he had the strength to speak to people about it.
No, but he was in jail from when he was 14 to 52 or so. Not only is a big part of his life waste, he's also going to have a very hard time to adjust. Not to mention that he's 52 or so, with no previous work experience, and he probably never finished school either, unless he did that in jail.
[/quote]Why do you think he was accused? I personally think it was because he was black, and discrimnation was still popular back then, especially in California.
That is one reason, but have you found out what religion he was? that could play a part in this jail sentence
No, but he was in jail from when he was 14 to 52 or so. Not only is a big part of his life waste, he's also going to have a very hard time to adjust. Not to mention that he's 52 or so, with no previous work experience, and he probably never finished school either, unless he did that in jail.
The system makes mistakes. Sometimes the mistakes are to kill innocent people. Besides, in jail you can do a number of things. Take classes, get your doctorate, watch television.
Yes, it does not compare to the things you can outside of prison, but it is a step up from dying,
its amazing how he got free after so long but i wonder what hes gunna do now? probably doesnt have anywhere to go as he spent most of his life in jail so he probably doesnt got any friends and probably not as much family now to go to
This has happened a couple of times throughout history and usually results with the government paying the victim a LARGE amount of (tax free) money. It may have been a terrible experience, but he's out now when he could still be in. As for what he's gonna do next....maybe he'll try to go back to school and get his diploma at least.