I might get flamed to a crisp for this, but is technology necessarily a good thing? Like, just think: Two hundred years ago, the pioneers built log cabins with the bare minimum of tools, and cut down the trees themselves. Today, no one in America would ever do that, even if they had to. They probably couldn't. And I'mAmerican, and that's the way I see it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, and with it we can also develop better ways of collecting and storing energy as well.
However, we are in no position to find a cheap solution. From what I read in a magazine, we are less than a decade away from losing all energy on the planet due to electronics. "We don't have ten years to solve this problem. We don't even have five years," Sehat Sutardja of Marvell, an electronics company, said (article can be found in IEEE Spectrum, Volume 47 issue 11, November 2010).Here's the link, but you need an account.
However, we are in no position to find a cheap solution. From what I read in a magazine, we are less than a decade away from losing all energy on the planet due to electronics. "We don't have ten years to solve this problem. We don't even have five years," Sehat Sutardja of Marvell, an electronics company, said (article can be found in IEEE Spectrum, Volume 47 issue 11, November 2010).Here's the link, but you need an account.
That's a result of not using and developing the technology we have available.
That's a result of not using and developing the technology we have available.
Are we talking about technology or electronics? I'm talking about electronics, it sounds like you're talking about technology.
The problem is, many things that are possible for being a good solution to such a problem like this take a long time to figure out, and then you have to test the process for a while before it can legitimately be used as a reliable source of power.
Are we talking about technology or electronics? I'm talking about electronics, it sounds like you're talking about technology.
Your argument here was about running out of energy as the problem with electronics. With electronics we are capable of developing ways of generating energy, but we have suppressed this development. So the problem with the use of energy isn't on the electronics, it's on our lack of utilizing the technology we have.
The problem is, many things that are possible for being a good solution to such a problem like this take a long time to figure out, and then you have to test the process for a while before it can legitimately be used as a reliable source of power.
Which we have had plenty of opportunities to developed but didn't take them. Also it's not so much we are running out of energy, we are just not utilizing the sources we have available.
Also, to answer your first question, technology, when defined like you have defined it, is most certainly a almost exclusivly bad thing. For ourselves and for the globe.
Oh really?
This creates a thing called "Holy Crap, There Are Way to Many People on the Planet." Or, to use more scientific terminology it creates an overabundent population of life.
So the first bad thing: It allows more humans to live and raises the carrying capacity of the earth. It advanced medicine allowing people to live longer and crops allowing more people to eat. How is this bad? If anything, more technology would be needed. Genetic engineering could boost food production to necessary levels, architecture can grow, as it has from the "log cabins" to the sky scrappers, which can hold many more people. More technology would be more beneficial than less.
Simply put, with the creation of more tecnology, people are taking over the entire planet, and destroying it slowly as we go. The more people, the more taxing life is to the planet, when the planet is finally completly exhausted of raw materials, we all die, just because we can't cope with barbarity any more. It weakens us, makes us less strong in an anamalistic world and really, what are we but highly esteemed animals anyway?
More technology would be beneficial here as well. The simplest and most obvious would be the fact that technology allows for better mining bringing up more raw materials, as well as using those materials in a more effective way. The less likely would be mining other planets, like Mars which has iron if I remember correctly.
It doesn't weaken us in any way. If anything, it makes us stronger. Even with just the nutrition that we receive now a days, we can grow many feet taller than the average man of five hundred years ago. We can make humans as strong as strong as many mythical men from long ago, threw the use of steroids and other chemicals, if for some reason physical strength is your goal. Our weapons can destroy the earth if need be. And beside the fact that we are stronger with technology, we don't even need to be. Unlike the people you are referring to, we don't need to build our own houses. We don't need to fight off the grizzly attacking camp. We don't have to worry, thanks to technology.
Are we talking about technology or electronics? I'm talking about electronics, it sounds like you're talking about technology.
Electronics are technology by the definition we have been going by...
And even if you are correct, pretty much anything that can move a turbine can create power. Moving water, steam, a hand crank, or anything else can create electricity. We can use available technology to fix this problem.
And even if you are correct, pretty much anything that can move a turbine can create power. Moving water, steam, a hand crank, or anything else can create electricity. We can use available technology to fix this problem.
You also need energy and resources (which require energy to acquire) to make the turbines and whatnot.
Electronics = technology
But electronics is not technology. It's an example of technology. As I said before...
Are we thinking technology = electronics? Technology is basically how advanced the stuff we have is/are... Electronics is the stuff we're using right now. Our shoes that we have are an example of technology. Laptops can be an example of both technology (how advanced they are) and electronics (uses a battery). We've always had technology, but not always electronics.
Electronics are technology by the definition we have been going by...
I'm just trying to let you know that technology does not equal electronics.
I understand that, but that doesn't mean that technology is in whole electronics.
Where did I say that? What I did say was because of electronics we could develop much better means of gathering energy. Something we have the ability to do but haven't developed.