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ForumsProgramming ForumReferenceError #1069

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7 posts

I am trying to make dynamic text change colour using the code below. Basically, I am trying to make it so that, if the same "Relationship -5" message flashes twice, the second time it will be a different colour.

However, when the second message goes through, I get this error on the Output panel:

ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property color not found on flash.text.TextField and there is no default value.

Here is the code I have on the main timeline, and underneath is the rest of the code from inside an object:

var relationshipTextColor1:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
relationshipTextColor1.color = 0x330066;
var relationshipTextColor2:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
relationshipTextColor2.color = 0xCC3300;

(MovieClip(root).relationshipTextOne.text == "Relationship -5" && MovieClip(root).relationshipTextOne.color == MovieClip(root).relationshipTextColor1)
{MovieClip(root).relationshipTextOne.transform.colorTransform = MovieClip(root).relationshipTextColor2;
MovieClip(root).relationshipTextOne.text = "Relationship -5";
} else {
MovieClip(root).relationshipTextOne.text = "Relationship -5";
MovieClip(root).relationshipTextOne.transform.colorTransform = MovieClip(root).relationshipTextColor1;}

I believe the problem is in the first part of the 'if', at 'MovieClip(root).relationshipTextOne.color'. What am I doing wrong?

  • 1 Reply
7 posts

Aaaaaand I finally figured it out on my own, despite it being a pain in the butt for several hours. I forgot to put a capital 'c' when I tried .textColor

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