Does Anyone Know How To Find A Good Mine? Ive Mined All Around My Home Every Way Imaginable. Any Advice?
The best mines usually have a natural link to the surface. Walk around and look for caves and holes. If you find coal in it, dig it all out, +1 more around that, often there's more to the cave than meets the eye. Also dig out Gravel/Dirt pockets, on more than one occasion have I had a dirt pocket or gravel pocket hiding the majority of the cave.
I'm sooooo excited for 1.8! Rivers, mine shafts, Endermen, silverfish, poisonous spiders, experience, hunger, sprinting, big biomes, smoother lighting, NPC's, villages, ravines, and even some more! Plus, the IndustrialCraft mod I use is updating to a completely new version! So much new stuff to be excited about!