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What do you think of WWE? I think it is fake, and it is no fun to watch. It doesn't take much talent like UFC or WEC.

  • 35 Replies
15,595 posts

i was saying is that i didint like WWE so please dont be rude

I am not being rude. . You just don't have any legitimate reasons to hate on the WWE.
It's also a discussion. . so just saying you don't find it entertaining because you hate it and also you think it's fake because it looks really fake sometimes are irrelevant reasons.
784 posts

yeah well i do hate WWE and i think its fake. theres my awnser

1,930 posts

I remember I used to totally love wrestling even though the times it would come on were past my bedtime and my friends would be like, "Did you see The Big Show take on Rey Mysterio? He destroyed him with that 619!" I would be all like, "Totally." cause I thought I needed to be cool.

15,595 posts

yeah well i do hate WWE and i think its fake. theres my awnser

Yeah, an answer without any reasons.

I could say that I like it because I like it and that I think it's real because it is.
That's an example of a garbage answer.

With WWE. I used to be a big fan of it. I would watch it every week. Only WWE Monday Night Raw though, all of my favorite wrestlers are on there.
In the past few months though, I haven't been watching it regularly because of all my favorite wrestlers retiring/quitting.

The Big Show take on Rey Mysterio? He destroyed him with that 619!"

That 619 move - I don't believe it. I can't believe it.
How is someone just going hang on the rope like that for that amount of time knowing what's going to happen?
It's planned.

The rock has came back though. I don't know if he's there for wrestling or just commentary. I didn't watch enough of it.
626 posts

proffesional wrestling is really flashy... and even if its fake its entertaining... i mean movies arent real, and pretty much everyone likes watching movies

15,595 posts

even if its fake its entertaining... i mean movies arent real, and pretty much everyone likes watching movies

Exactly. I watch WWE for the entertainment. Hence the name World Wrestling Entertainment.

If I want to see some real fighting then I can just watch UFC which I normally don't do because it's not entertaining enough.

A lot of people hate certain movies and a lot like them. It's the same with WWE.
However with WWE they have their stadiums sold out every time. . Also most of my friends like the WWE - I have very few friends that dislike it. And when I ask them why they dislike it, they refuse to give reasons. Like that one fellow a page back.
784 posts

i did awnser,i said i think its unentertaining,so i dont like it,thats an awnser

148 posts

Its not fake its scripted, there is a big difference.

I used to like it but now its mehhh, all the new wrestlers are dumb and cant even wrestle that good as the old wrestlers, John Cena is always the champion and its boring since he does the same thing again and again and again, CM Punk seems like a dumb kid that cant win a fight without a help from his team, the story lines are SO bad now that its not even fun to watch, there is no blood now so its even more boring, all the kids like John Cena as if he is a god even thought he annoying.

And i think the only wrestlers from before 2000 and still work are 5 only, Kane is old and after he removed his mask he is a joke and the smallest and dumbest wrestlers can win against him and he never wins major events, Undertaker is also old now and he cant put a show as good as old times, Triple H isnt as good as he used to be, Shawn Michaels left as far as i know, Edge is going to leave in a short time since he got a lot of injuries.

Looks like WWE is going to be a kids show only after few years as all of the old fans dont like to watch it anymore and adults i doubt they will watch it as its so boring now unless they have their kids watching it.

15,595 posts

Shawn Michaels left as far as i know

Yes, he's going to be inducted into the Hall Of Fame.

At least The Rock came back though. . He was one of my favorites when he used to wrestle.
15,595 posts

i did awnser,i said i think its unentertaining,so i dont like it,thats an awnser

Looks like WWE is going to be a kids show only after few years as all of the old fans dont like to watch it anymore and adults i doubt they will watch it as its so boring now unless they have their kids watching it.

I couldn't agree more with you. With all these newer superstars on there it makes it very boring and their acting on it is terrible.

I miss the good 'ol days with D-Generation X. Does anyone else miss them?

Also I miss all the old wrestlers. I started watching it back in 2000. Stone cold Steve Austin was one of my favorites. All of his rule breaking and he didn't care for anything.

Goldberg was just awesome. He would beat anyone out there.

Scott Steiner was an arrogant dude back then. But he deserved to be. He was one of the biggest and baddest wrestlers with all the previous ones that I've named.

Its not fake its scripted, there is a big difference.

Could you explain it to me?
148 posts

Could you explain it to me?

They dont fake the wrestling, there is a storyline in the WWE universe, everything they do is supposed to happen (except accidents), you really think that if they all would wrestle normally the small wrestlers would ever had a chance against giant wrestlers? Kane, Undertaker, Khali and any other giant wrestler would be domination inside the ring.

Im not saying that they dont act all the time, but they do fight for real, only time is when they do something extreme so they act it not to hurt the other wrestler badly, heck even one of Steve Austin and the Rock vs Undertaker and Kane match was full of acting it was so funny that Rock kicked Kane balls and he stood there and didnt move as nothing happened.

If its all acting how would Undertaker throw Mankind from over the Hell in a Cell over 3 times, and breaks his back? how is that fake at all?

BUT after 2003-2004 they started acting most of the time, so it seems pretty much fake now, and probably it is now but i dont know since i never watch WWE anymore, only thing i like to watch is Royal Rumble and it fails badly now and 2011 is the worst of all so far.
148 posts

Nop, tell me one thing in the story lines that is real and wasnt made up.

15,595 posts

Yea some of it is true and some of it is not. But mosrly real

What are you trying to get through? How about explaining more in your post so it doesn't look like spam.
I want facts, since you say it's mostly real. Bring some proof.
290 posts

Oh man i used to love the WWE

Randy Orton is the best!

15,595 posts

Oh man i used to love the WWE

What made you not like it any longer?
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