i think that personnally every human is a complete *******. they are greedy, lazy, self centered evil monsters. and im not dissing cause i know they cant change, im just saying its there nature. im really trying to get at, there isnt going to be an anti global warming thing cause people are to greedy or lazy for change. infact even if we by some miracle get past a new ice age, well just start anew into another age of crap like always. because it doesnt matter how many times you plunge the toilet, the **** will always FLOW DOWN. -kai
i think that personnally every human is a complete *******. they are greedy, lazy, self centered evil monsters. and im not dissing cause i know they cant change, im just saying its there nature. im really trying to get at, there isnt going to be an anti global warming thing cause people are to greedy or lazy for change. infact even if we by some miracle get past a new ice age, well just start anew into another age of crap like always. because it doesnt matter how many times you plunge the toilet, the **** will always FLOW DOWN. -kai
First, what leads you to believe that every human is whatever you are saying they are? Second, why do you state that those things are bad? Third, what are you getting at?
i agree with E1. the eternal balance is what keeps humanity in existance. but what gives us the right to exist, let alone destroy that what is the grand mother? i think if you shall speak religion you should not speak of god but rather of right and wrong, the great power known as truth witch is what we belive to hold an ideal and filter out hatred from reality. -kai p.s.- everything that leads to hatred is evil, that is the first lesson of peace.
but what gives us the right to exist, let alone destroy that what is the grand mother?
What doesn't give us the right to? Unless for some reason the right should is restricted, then it is a right. And what is our grand mother?
i think if you shall speak religion you should not speak of god but rather of right and wrong, the great power known as truth witch is what we belive to hold an ideal and filter out hatred from reality. -kai
So we should go around killing each other? That doesn't make much since. Most religions command that. And once again, why do you think these things are evil? Because your religion tells you it is?
p.s.- everything that leads to hatred is evil, that is the first lesson of peace.
So by you annoying me with your psudophilosophical rants, you are evil?
I think that OP is just a little kid who had an idea and ran with it. Nice try though. He goes from the Deadly Sins to global warming with no tangible connection and is just spewing how he hates humanity because he's full of teenage angst.