Pakistan is a very unstable country, it has alarge military but it is corrupt and not very well trained, thats why it took them so long to kick the taliban out of the swat valley. Pakistan is a very hard line islamist country, for example a goverment minister was shot by his own body guard for trying to change the laws about profanity so that it was not a death penlty.
It has a border with afghanistan, its population is almost entirely muslim, many of whom are very extremist, and their goverment is corrupt, if that not rife for a revolt, led by the taliban then i dont know where would be?
well there definately wont be another world war, there could be a large war in the middle east and thats if everything goes as bad as it possibly could, it would take years to spark off, wars dont just happen, the second and first world wars happened because of large military poweres entering into futile arms races and land grabbing which eventually ended in wars, and the only reason ww1 was a world war was beacuse britain france and germany dragged their colony in with them.
for a world war to happen there need to be other countries in volved and there actually nedd toi be countries in conflict with eachother, but there arent there a re a few countries with dictators that are being deposed i fail to see in anyway how this could possibly lead to a world war???
asa for aterrorist dictator that could happen but only for alimited period of time, if a real taliban commander came to power the USA and to an extent NATO would simply not allow the regime to exist before it got off the ground
the answer is i dont knwo but both optios especially the first option just seem highly unlikely
I think there will be another cold war. Not against Russia, but some one else. Maby not the same style, more of cold war of attrition... but the SOviets did not need those Nukes anyway.
if there is another world war we would all be screwed because either every country would fire all of their nukes or have this cyber war shutting down all the computers so almost all weaponry and there would be no communication and it would be chaotic and everyone would die
I dont support what israel is doing, and neither does obama. They are completely driving out the palestiniens from there home, and making settlements in there small land, and just killing them off. I think that they should give the palestiniens some land, instead of killing the kids and the women.