It didnt scare me.. i saw Let me in too.... it made me jump once... but it wasnt very scary either.. the scariest movie i've seen was the spanish movie Rec
if a stranger called me id talk all chill and relaxed. hell, id even mess with them if they have a creepy voice. id troll them so hard that they would laugh XD
I liked the movie. It was nice with some suspense and I love movies that have suspense.
It's not one of my favorites though. I thought the story could have been a bit more improved or they could have extended it with a second one possibly.
yea I saw that, I wasnt scared It was very much like the movie quarantine.
Quarantine took rec, put it in english, and made it less scary... they're the same movie, but for once i dont like the american version more.. it scared me because i was watching it with one other person in my basement and he was jumpy and it was making me nervous