When I went to go to a forum earlier, I saw a thread that was last replied 41 years ago. Has anyone got any weird glitches or anything like that?
I've seen that on the main Community page, but never in the actual section. I don't find it too concerning, though.
It's a glitch. Some kind of cache issue I believe.Also some dates come up as one month and even two years back.
That happened to me too but when I refreshed the page and it was gone but I took a picture. I don't know if you can see it well.
This glitch has been around for more then a year. Cormyn said they are just going to leave it as the forums will be completely revamped for AG3.
It's not a glitch guys. See it works like this. They tell yo uthey operate in California, but really, they operate in a place out of this universe! Crazy or what! So in there time, it really has been 41 years!
Thread is locked!