ForumsForum GamesThe Superhuman (RPG)

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=-=T H E S U P E R H U M A N=-=
Guys, this is my first forum RPG. Hope you guys enjoy it.

[/b]Character Sheet
Name: (Maximum is 2 words)
Age: (From 12 - 21)
Super Power: (Maximum is 1)
Health Points: 50/50
Experience Points: 0/20
Strength: 5
Level: 1


Name: Rapyion Lee
Age: 15
Super Power: Shape Shifter
Health Points: 50/50
Experience Points: 0/20
Level: 1

Attributes after you level up
Every time you level up, you earn some Health Points. Sometimes, you don't add up, but your Strength increases also.
Strength also applies to the magic system. If your super power uses magic, your damage dealt to the opponent will increase every time your strength increases.

Most of the scenes will get you Experience Points. These Experience Points will get your level to increase, thus, increasing your Health Points and Strength.

The Place Where You Start Your Journey
You open your eyes, finding yourself in a morgue. The doctors think you're dead because of your heart has stopped beating. You rise from the bed and get your clothes that your family put onto your body. You change into your clothes and open the door to get out of the hospital and to the outside. You haven't found out your power yet.
What will you do?

(I answer in the morning or after midnight, according to the time shows.)

  • 994 Replies
2,300 posts

Name: Geek
Age: 18
Super Power: Matter Shifter (can, say, make a door melt and metal burn into ashes)
Health Points: 50/50
Experience Points: 10/20
Strength: 5
Level: 1
Inventory: Pair of hedge cutter, food, shovel

You go there and you discovered that the machine is not controlled by anyone. The machine turns around to you and it's headed straight towards you! What will you do?
Name: Kyle Wynd
Age: 13
Super Power: Can summon a sword
Health Points: 50/50
Experience Points: 0/20
Strength: 5
Level: 1

(Well, yeah. It's open to everyone.)
You wake up in a hospital. You wear the clothes that your family put on you. You open the door to the outside. What will you do?
Name: Ghanko
Age: 17
Superpower: Telekinetic
Health Points: 75/75
Experience Points: 11/40
Level: 3
Strength: 9
Inventory: Scimitar, medical supplies, kitchen knife, 5 clips of ammo for a laser gun, food
Hunger: 40/100
Ally: Jeremy ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 50/50 HP ; 17 Strength

You move the worm out of the house. (Really disgusting. Lols.) James follow you both around. "I wanna join you! Can I?! Can I?!" says James. What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 20
Super Power: Element control
Health Points: 70/105
Experience Points: 13/40
Level: 4
Strength: 13
Inventory: Jack fruit, frog meat, wooden flask, knife, $200, automatic pistol, picture of fish market store owner and his wife, 'Manual On How To Improve Your Powers'
Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity, nature, blood, darkness
Perks: Volcano burst, Move beings, Blood 'ramming'
Ally: Bennem ; Super Powers: Super Speed ; 60/60 HP ; 8 Strength
Ken ; Super Powers: Laser beams ; 80/80 HP ; 11 Strength
Austin ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 80/80 HP ; 12 Strength

(Well, you paid for the night, so..)
You all sleep for the day and you wake up tomorrow. You thank Betty for the rent and move off the motel. You start going to the north. You also show them the manual to improve their powers. You go to the forest and you found a T-Rex!! Wait, a dinosaur? Before, Austin and Ken nods as you told them about Bennem. The T-Rex turns to you all. It roars out loudly. Then, another 3 T-Rex comes up to gang against you, which makes it 4 T-Rex. What will you do?
Name: Tegael
Age: 19
Super Power: Time Control
Health Points: 85/85
Experience Points: 7/50
Strength: 12
Level: 4
Inventory: 10 nuclear rods, old phone, 2 pieces of food, axe, 3 medical kits, chainsaw, poison syringe, Thompson with scope, 3 clips of ammo for Thomspon

Jared says, "Well, okay. I'm a bit hungry, but, what ever. Let's go zombie slaying. You want the rifle back?" What will you do?
Name: Artemis
Age: 15
Super Power: Shape Shifter
Health Points: 50/60
Experience Points: 13/20
Level: 2
Inventory: Sniper rifle
Strength: 9
Unlocked transformation: Present day animals except chameleon, camouflaging items
Ally: Grem ; Super Powers: Dust movement ; 80/80 HP ; 9 Strength

Grem says, "Hmm.. I want to hunt. So, as long as I'm with you, we hunt animals. Got it?" He joins you. The sniper rifle has been added into the inventory because of Grem. So, Grem asks, "Where is your home anyways?" Then, you both hear a loud screech, as loud as a banshee. You both turn around and you see monsters with spikes that can pierce through your brains. What will you do?

219 posts

Name: Ghanko
Age: 17
Superpower: Telekinetic
Health Points: 75/75
Experience Points: 11/40
Level: 3
Strength: 9
Inventory: Scimitar, medical supplies, kitchen knife, 5 clips of ammo for a laser gun, food
Hunger: 40/100
Ally: Jeremy ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 50/50 HP ; 17 Strength

"For a week."

2,300 posts

Name: Ghanko
Age: 17
Superpower: Telekinetic
Health Points: 75/75
Experience Points: 11/40
Level: 3
Strength: 9
Inventory: Scimitar, medical supplies, kitchen knife, 5 clips of ammo for a laser gun, food
Hunger: 40/100
Ally: Jeremy ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 50/50 HP ; 17 Strength

James nods and says, "Okay. So, where do we go now? Practicing?" What will you do?

219 posts

Name: Ghanko
Age: 17
Superpower: Telekinetic
Health Points: 75/75
Experience Points: 11/40
Level: 3
Strength: 9
Inventory: Scimitar, medical supplies, kitchen knife, 5 clips of ammo for a laser gun, food
Hunger: 40/100
Ally: Jeremy ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 50/50 HP ; 17 Strength

"Let's go."

2,300 posts

Name: Ghanko
Age: 17
Superpower: Telekinetic
Health Points: 75/75
Experience Points: 11/40
Level: 3
Strength: 9
Inventory: Scimitar, medical supplies, kitchen knife, 5 clips of ammo for a laser gun, food
Hunger: 0/100
Ally: Jeremy ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 50/50 HP ; 17 Strength

You three go to practice. James just makes food for you guys when you get hungry. (5 EXP+) Suddenly, loads of ants, waves of them, are coming to you. They want James' food! What will you do?

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 19
Super Power: Time Control
Health Points: 85/85
Experience Points: 7/50
Strength: 12
Level: 4
Inventory: 10 nuclear rods, old phone, 2 pieces of food, axe, 3 medical kits, chainsaw, poison syringe, Thompson with scope, 3 clips of ammo for Thomspon

"Although I got some "nuclear rods", a Thompson, a chainsaw and an axe, I sure could use it! But what would you be fighting with instead?"

(By the way, good job with keeping this up... can't tell how you do it with so many participants!)

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 20
Super Power: Element control
Health Points: 70/105
Experience Points: 13/40
Level: 4
Strength: 13
Inventory: Jack fruit, frog meat, wooden flask, knife, $200, automatic pistol, picture of fish market store owner and his wife, 'Manual On How To Improve Your Powers'
Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity, nature, blood, darkness
Perks: Volcano burst, Move beings, Blood 'ramming'
Ally: Bennem ; Super Powers: Super Speed ; 60/60 HP ; 8 Strength
Ken ; Super Powers: Laser beams ; 80/80 HP ; 11 Strength
Austin ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 80/80 HP ; 12 Strength

I command my team:1)Bennem must run around T-Rex for a while to distract their attention while me and the other will try to kill them.I use my volcanic burst and command Ken and Austin attack with their powers.Also i try to immobilize them with my blood manipulation

2,300 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 19
Super Power: Time Control
Health Points: 85/85
Experience Points: 7/50
Strength: 12
Level: 4
Inventory: 10 nuclear rods, old phone, 2 pieces of food, axe, 3 medical kits, chainsaw, poison syringe, Thompson with scope, 3 clips of ammo for Thomspon

(By the way, good job with keeping this up... can't tell how you do it with so many participants!)
(Yeah, hosting too few people is actually quite boring. I want more people to play. As they say, the more the merrier, right? XD)

Jared says, "Well, I can read the minds of the dead. And besides, I got my own weapon." He takes out some gloves and puts it on. "It's a pair of super-powered gloves. They can do anything. It has some flaws, but, it's really handy." He runs for the safe and gets the rifle. He hands you the rifle and you get ready for the horde. Five big ones charges to you. (Like a tanker in L4D) What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 20
Super Power: Element control
Health Points: 70/105
Experience Points: 23/40
Level: 4
Strength: 13
Inventory: Jack fruit, frog meat, wooden flask, knife, $200, automatic pistol, picture of fish market store owner and his wife, 'Manual On How To Improve Your Powers'
Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity, nature, blood, darkness
Perks: Volcano burst, Move beings, Blood 'ramming'
Ally: Bennem ; Super Powers: Super Speed ; 60/60 HP ; 8 Strength
Ken ; Super Powers: Laser beams ; 80/80 HP ; 11 Strength
Austin ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 80/80 HP ; 12 Strength

Bennem runs around the five T-Rex to distract them. The T-Rex try to reach Bennem to bite them, but, it failed. While they are distracted, Austin and Ken showed what they got to destroy them. You also use your volcano burst to kill them and control the T-Rex's movements. Austin's lasers pierce through the dinosaurs. They fall down and catch their breathes. Ken's fire burns them alive. Your volcano burst incinerates them immediately. Good job, you done it! (15 EXP+) Now, you're hungry. What will you do?
2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 19
Super Power: Time Control
Health Points: 85/85
Experience Points: 7/50
Strength: 12
Level: 4
Inventory: 10 nuclear rods, old phone, 2 pieces of food, axe, 3 medical kits, chainsaw, poison syringe, Thompson with scope, 3 clips of ammo for Thomspon, transformable rifle with heat-sensor-scope

While ready to freeze any other zombie that approaches me, I freeze the five big ones and then use the rifle against them. Just to show off, I go plasma (Zombie Number 1) --- rocket launcher (Zombie Number 2) --- laser MG (Zombie Number 3) --- shotgun with explosive shells (Zombie Number 4) --- plasma (Zombie Number 5) on them, aiming one shot to the head and another to the heart (to make sure they're down for good). I start with the one on the left/closest to me and make my way to the one closest to the right/the farthest one.

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 20
Super Power: Element control
Health Points: 70/105
Experience Points: 23/40
Level: 4
Strength: 13
Inventory: Jack fruit, frog meat, wooden flask, knife, $200, automatic pistol, picture of fish market store owner and his wife, 'Manual On How To Improve Your Powers'
Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity, nature, blood, darkness
Perks: Volcano burst, Move beings, Blood 'ramming'
Ally: Bennem ; Super Powers: Super Speed ; 60/60 HP ; 8 Strength
Ken ; Super Powers: Laser beams ; 80/80 HP ; 11 Strength
Austin ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 80/80 HP ; 12 Strength

I want to asure,controling their blood, if the T-Rex are safe to eat them.If not i will search in the forest for animals(commanding the trees to search for them).And after that we will continue our journey

1,005 posts

Name: Artemis
Age: 15
Super Power: Shape Shifter
Health Points: 50/60
Experience Points: 13/20
Level: 2
Inventory: Sniper rifle
Strength: 9
Unlocked transformation: Present day animals except chameleon, camouflaging items
Ally: Grem ; Super Powers: Dust movement ; 80/80 HP ; 9 Strength

I throw grem the sniper and go gorilla and charge it.

2,300 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 19
Super Power: Time Control
Health Points: 75/85
Experience Points: 20/50
Strength: 12
Level: 4
Inventory: 10 nuclear rods, old phone, 2 pieces of food, axe, 3 medical kits, chainsaw, poison syringe, Thompson with scope, 3 clips of ammo for Thomspon, transformable rifle with heat-sensor-scope

You go and freeze the five big ones. You shoot each of them and they go down. (6 EXP+) The hoards of zombies comes closer and you freeze all of them. You go dizzy for a while because you used a large amount of power. (3 EXP+) One zombie managed to move and it strikes you down. (10 HP-) It swings its 'claws' down at you. You freeze it as well, but, this zombie is immune to it. Instead, you use your rifle and blast him off with the plasma. It incinerates the zombie and it is destroyed completely. (4 EXP+) While all of that fighting, Jared charged to the hoards while you distract the five zombies. Jared goes wild at the zombies, killing each zombies, the gloves really are handy. It can stretch and wrap the zombies to either pummel them on the ground or each other. There should be a mastermind behind this. Either kill the zombies or kill the mastermind. What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 20
Super Power: Element control
Health Points: 55/105
Experience Points: 23/40
Level: 4
Strength: 13
Inventory: Jack fruit, frog meat, wooden flask, knife, $200, automatic pistol, picture of fish market store owner and his wife, 'Manual On How To Improve Your Powers'
Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity, nature, blood, darkness
Perks: Volcano burst, Move beings, Blood 'ramming'
Ally: Bennem ; Super Powers: Super Speed ; 45/60 HP ; 8 Strength
Ken ; Super Powers: Laser beams ; 65/80 HP ; 11 Strength
Austin ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 65/80 HP ; 12 Strength

You examine the T-Rex's blood. One of them are poisoned. So, you all eat the four, Austin cooking the dinosaurs. The poisoned one got up as you ate. It roars out loudly and surprised you all with a kick from the T-Rex's leg. All of you goes down to the ground and you collide against each other. (15 HP- [All of them]) Kill it before it munches all of you up. What will you do?
Name: Artemis
Age: 15
Super Power: Shape Shifter
Health Points: 25/60
Experience Points: 18/20
Level: 2
Inventory: Sniper rifle
Strength: 9
Unlocked transformation: Present day animals except chameleon, camouflaging items
Ally: Grem ; Super Powers: Dust movement ; 80/80 HP ; 9 Strength

I throw grem the sniper and go gorilla and charge it.

(Well, Grem has the sniper rifle, so..)

You transform into a gorilla and charge it. It spits out acid to your body and it his you. (15 HP-) Nevertheless, you still charge to it. You ram its body and you smash it into the wall, the monster explodes acidic slime out, splashing you with the slime. (10 HP- ; 5 EXP+) Grem comes to you and he looks around for something to wipe off the acidic slime. He takes a cloth and wipes it, but, it dissolves. Instead, he uses the dust to form into a big cloth. It wipes out the slime and it comes off. You need a rest to fully recover from the damage. You'll need s shelter for that. What will you do?
9 posts


319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 20
Super Power: Element control
Health Points: 55/105
Experience Points: 23/40
Level: 4
Strength: 13
Inventory: Jack fruit, frog meat, wooden flask, knife, $200, automatic pistol, picture of fish market store owner and his wife, 'Manual On How To Improve Your Powers'
Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity, nature, blood, darkness
Perks: Volcano burst, Move beings, Blood 'ramming'
Ally: Bennem ; Super Powers: Super Speed ; 45/60 HP ; 8 Strength
Ken ; Super Powers: Laser beams ; 65/80 HP ; 11 Strength
Austin ; Super Powers: Fire Manipulation ; 65/80 HP ; 12 Strength

I use my blood ramming on the dino trying to kill it.If i fail I'll try to strike him with a Giant Thunderstrike.Moreover I will protect my friends with rock barriers

2,752 posts

Name: Tegael
Age: 19
Super Power: Time Control
Health Points: 75/85
Experience Points: 20/50
Strength: 12
Level: 4
Inventory: 10 nuclear rods, old phone, 2 pieces of food, axe, 3 medical kits, chainsaw, poison syringe, Thompson with scope, 3 clips of ammo for Thomspon, transformable rifle with heat-sensor-scope

"Looks like we won't be able to kill them all before they get the best of us, unless we prevent any more from being created. Do you have any idea who might be behind all this or where they are?" While saying all that, I keep on shooting with the plasma rifle at every zombie I can see (not changing the weapon this time, just going plasma).

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