=-=T H E S U P E R H U M A N=-= Guys, this is my first forum RPG. Hope you guys enjoy it.
[/b]Character Sheet Name: (Maximum is 2 words) Age: (From 12 - 21) Super Power: (Maximum is 1) Health Points: 50/50 Experience Points: 0/20 Strength: 5 Level: 1 Inventory:
[b]Example Name: Rapyion Lee Age: 15 Super Power: Shape Shifter Health Points: 50/50 Experience Points: 0/20 Level: 1 Inventory:
Attributes after you level up Every time you level up, you earn some Health Points. Sometimes, you don't add up, but your Strength increases also. Strength also applies to the magic system. If your super power uses magic, your damage dealt to the opponent will increase every time your strength increases.
Experience Most of the scenes will get you Experience Points. These Experience Points will get your level to increase, thus, increasing your Health Points and Strength.
The Place Where You Start Your Journey You open your eyes, finding yourself in a morgue. The doctors think you're dead because of your heart has stopped beating. You rise from the bed and get your clothes that your family put onto your body. You change into your clothes and open the door to get out of the hospital and to the outside. You haven't found out your power yet. What will you do?
(I answer in the morning or after midnight, according to the time Armorgames.com shows.)
Name: Tsiao Soung Age: 20 Super Power: Element control Health Points: 45/50 Experience Points: 2/20 Level: 1 Inventory: N/A
You searched the forest for a few hours. You finally found a jackfruit, which is unsuaul in this area. What will you do? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Artemis Age: 15 Super Power: Shape Shifter Health Points: 50/50 Experience Points: 2/20 Level: 1 Inventory: Unlocked transformation: Present day animals.
You transform into a hawk. Luckily for you, you transformed into a smaller figure, letting the cuffs drop to the seat and you fly off, then the police was shocked. (3 EXP+). You start to get hungry. What will you do?
Name: Tegael Age: 19 Super Power: Time Control Health Points: 50/50 Experience Points: 4/20 Strength: 5 Level: 1 Inventory: N/A
"Hello! Sorry to interrupt (I don't say that if they were doing nothing when time "unfroze"! Actually, I'm kinda lost, and could use directions for around the city... what is this place called, and what are the most important buildings to be found here?"
Name: Artemis Age: 15 Super Power: Shape Shifter Health Points: 50/50 Experience Points: 2/20 Level: 1 Inventory: Unlocked transformation: Present day animals.
You searched the place for food. When you couldn't fly anymore, you found a goat, full of fat, in front of you and the goat doesn't recognize you. What will you do? -------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Tegael Age: 19 Super Power: Time Control Health Points: 50/50 Experience Points: 4/20 Strength: 5 Level: 1 Inventory: N/A
You would answer their answer partly. The man who asked you the question showed you some directions to a nearby place to stay. You thank the man and went off there. You get hungry now. What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung Age: 20 Super Power: Element control Health Points: 45/50 Experience Points: 2/20 Level: 1 Inventory: N/A
I put it in my invetory and i light a farm to get warm. I try to find some animals in a very close range to cook and eat (You didn't answered me what power did i unlock??)
Name: Tegael Age: 19 Super Power: Time Control Health Points: 50/50 Experience Points: 4/20 Strength: 5 Level: 1 Inventory: N/A
I go to grab something to eat. If I find I have no money, I'll just wander around the city hoping to find something of value on the street or to earn money by begging (come on, got to have some luck there).
Name: Tsiao Soung Age: 20 Super Power: Element control Health Points: 45/50 Experience Points: 3/20 Level: 1 Inventory: N/A Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity.
You put the jackfruit into your bag. Then, you successfully made a fire even without touching anything. (1 EXP+). Luckily, you found a deer resting near a tree. What will you do? (Sorry. I seem to be forgetful.)
Name: Tsiao Soung Age: 20 Super Power: Element control Health Points: 45/50 Experience Points: 3/20 Level: 1 Inventory: N/A Unlocked elements to control: Fire, wind, water, earth, electricity
I try to put deer in to flames but i fail so i try to treat it with the jackfruit