that movie scared me away from the books, i had already read the first two and i have no intention of finishing the series right now. I got Eragon (movie) for my birthday and have watched it maybe once, i might watch it again sometime, hmmm
You're not missing much.
As for movies, well Lord of the Ring The Two Towers was nothing like the book.
Almost every movie that was made based on a book is not like the book, there's obvious not enough time to put all the book ideas into a 2/3 hour movie...
I agree completely...most books are reliant on thoughts to communicate ideas to the reader and it just doesn't flow well into movies.
I am Legend....they changed the ending from the one in the book, the ending in the book actually gives the title I am Legend the point, the ending defines the title. that and pretty much most of that film was nothing like the book.
There was this book I read in English class called The Kite Runner (and Femm already mentioned it), which I rather liked a lot. Then my teacher showed the movie (which the teacher said that she didn't like showing the movie to us). When I saw the movie, I was like "UHHHHHHH..." It was barely like the book! If I have to go on a very late rant, I will! I get why the harelip was cut out, but the other cut out parts sucked. The boy in the present time was like happy in one scene, then the next scene (in America), he's randomly sad. Now I know why he's sad, but if you haven't read the book, you'd be like "The heck?". And the ending was a joke, the guy says this quote (I don't remember how it goes) like an idiot, runs off, and the credits start rolling. I imagined that part in a much better way than what the director made up. I could let this rant go on forever, but I'll stop. Nope, a few more words. The scene where the main character talks to his girlfriend was the best example of how this film sucked. Here they are, walking down the street, talking about something that'll spoil the plot if I told you. Now you'd think, not a big deal, right? Wrong! If you happen to look closely at the background, the girlfriend's mother is walking behind them, watching them as if they were kids. How awkward is that? That's enough for the year, can't believe I talked about a film from 2007 based upon a book from 2003.
there are so many movies that are based on a book. they have to shange things because they can not show thoughts and so. besides that, would you watch a movie that is at least three hours long?