I think not. . but you can just type in a new tab:
Then add in the game name. If it has more than one word, then space each word with a - sign. Then, put another - sign and put the number of the game beside it. Finish with .swf
Yeah, I use that for some games with a small screen, but most games have a big enough screen because my laptop is only 13". My sister who has a 17" one uses that because for her screen,everything is small. =P
You can increase/decrease the size of things in the browser by typing Ctrl+/Ctrl- or Ctrl0 (Zero) to return to 100%.
Two caveats: 1. This only works with modern browsers, so if you're using IE5, forget it. OK for Chrome9.x, IE8, FF3.6. 2. For most games, the Flash window also resizes, so you get to play with a bigger screen. But there are some games when it doesn't happen, and that's really annoying. FWIW, Crush The Castle 2 does resize, so you could use this game to test things out.
I'm not sure how many games have a fullscreen option, but there are two ways to check: 1. Right click and look for a fullscreen option 2. Some games (ex. Tetraform) can toggle fullscreen using the keyboard.
For some unknown reason, this forum thread appeared on the Community page of the forums, as the last post in Support and Suggestions, but with no author: I guess it's a bug/cache problem of some description.
At the risk of being accused of necroing this topic, I just want to add that I've started rating games higher if they do have a full screen mode, while those with a fixed width screen are now getting lower ratings because of it.
Of course, the screen size is just one aspect, but for me it's a real turnoff having to play a game in a tiny space when it could be so much better.
So if you're a game author/developer, please consider allowing your game to resize to the user's settings, rather than imposing a particular size.