ForumsWEPRIs this Hell we live on?

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My question to you is...
Is this planet we call Earth really Hell?
If God our Lord can forgive us that means he can forgive you for all your signs you have commited so you go to Heaven even if you are America/Britian's Most Wanted Person. So if there is no Hell when we die is this Hell what we are on, this is when we make the mistakes and the Sins to be forgiven for, I mean the World is'nt perfect people are killed so maybe this is the real Hell? Put your thought's about my Theory below.

Note: I am Catholic

  • 26 Replies
9,462 posts

Seeing as again you would have to first prove there is a God and heaven before posing this possibility that kind of causes this whole thing to fall apart right there.

But just from a speculative aspect, we assume such things are real. This depends on how you view it. Old Testament actually didn't have the word hell. It had sheol, which was later replaced by the word hell. Sheol just meant grave, pit, or abyss. A place everyone went to. In the New Testament this concept was changed more into the idea of a place to suffer. Either way sheol/hell was regarded as being under the Earth while Heaven was above it.

Sheol also may have been a very real place where the bodies of criminals were tossed and garbage was burned. If we figure this to be the real "hell" then Hell is a place on Earth.

Some regard hell not as a place but as a state of mind. So in that sense it's kind of Earth, but not as a place.

If we are to take Revelations with any sort of seriousness, unless it's already happened then no Hell is not Earth.

8,257 posts

I can hardly imagine that this wonderful planet (apart from humans) would be hell. Of course life is imperfect, but 1) that doesn't mean it should be seen as punishment and 2) many of the troubles we experience are caused by ourselves, not by a mischievious demon or such humbug.

But what you are getting to is that, in some way, everyone would be passing through hell before being forgiven and going to heaven, even christians? What if they are not forgiven, are they reincarnated here until they go to heaven? If so, you're getting 'dangerously' near to what bhuddism teaches

4,220 posts

I'd have expected Hell to be quite a bit more metal than this world.

So I don't think it's Hell.

250 posts

let me tell you a story.

when some guys from brazil where here, (the netherlands.) they played a small game with us. we all got some candy in our hands, and they said (luckily one of them spoke german.) that we weren't allowed to bend our arms to eat it. after some time we figured out that we could feed eachother, so everyone got some sweets. they said: heaven and hell are verry similar, but in heaven, people feed eachother if they can't bend their arms, but in hell they don't like the idea that someone els has their sweets, even if that someone gives his sweets instead.

a wise lesson. so: earth can be both. we don't have to wait till jesus comes back and builds the new jeruzalem, we can begin right now.

250 posts

note: I am protestant.

2,420 posts

Depends on who it is on. Hell is generally considered torturous so if you consider your life torture, then yes, it is hell. Hell for all? No. For some? Yes.

2,027 posts

If life seems jolly rotten, there's something you've forgotten, that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you're feeling in the dumps, don't be silly, chumps, just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing!

Always look on the bright side of life *whistle*
Always look on the right side of life *whistle*

And so on...

I find it really annoying how people always say life's a hell. Sure, in some cases that might be true, but in many cases these people have almost nothing to be so whiny about.

It might be a hell for some people, but there are plenty of people who are happy too, so Earth cannot be a hell.

If God our Lord can forgive us that means he can forgive you for all your signs you have commited so you go to Heaven even if you are America/Britian's Most Wanted Person.

If God's so forgiving, and you're on earth to redeem yourself, how come he took away so many people's chances with that big flood of his, in the story about Noah's ark? And if everyone's reborn when they die, and the only living creatures were on Noah's Ark, what happened to the other peoples' souls? If there's anything the Bible shows it's that God is far from forgiving.
4,871 posts

And if everyone's reborn when they die, and the only living creatures were on Noah's Ark, what happened to the other peoples' souls?

I don't think catholics believe in reincarnation do they?

Anyway I thought if you blasphemed about the holy spirit it was an unforgivable sin?

"Therefore I say to you, any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven. And whoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, either in this age, or in the age to come".

Matthew 12:31-32

Uhhoh guys, I think we're going to hell.
68 posts

I'm Atheist, and I always say if there is a god, this isn't the life that he would have wanted us to live. Maybe we are secretly in hell.

2,027 posts

I don't think catholics believe in reincarnation do they?

Catholics, no, they believe you're sent to heaven, or hell. But if you read the OP you see this:

So if there is no Hell when we die is this Hell what we are on, this is when we make the mistakes and the Sins to be forgiven for, I mean the World is'nt perfect people are killed so maybe this is the real Hell?

^What he's saying here is that maybe there is no hell, maybe this is hell. That would mean that people who die here and deserve to go to hell will just be reborn in this world.
4,871 posts

That would mean that people who die here and deserve to go to hell will just be reborn in this world.

Right, right; I see your point now.

Anyway there's a lot of conjecture about a literal hell and literal heaven compared to the Earth.

When I was a Christian I viewed heaven and hell as literal places; however, I also believed that Earth could reflect this heaven or hell depending on your actions. Basically I took a slightly legalistic stance on an earthly heaven on hell experience and a faith based stance on eternal heaven on hell.
842 posts

for all your signs you have commited

Lol nice...

This IS hell bro, nobody knows it. There are rapist, killers, wars, torture and deaths. Yep..thats hell for ya.
250 posts

Catholics, no, they believe you're sent to heaven, or hell. But if you read the OP you see this

dunno if there are catholics that think the same way as I do, but I think that jesus died for all of us, so that everybody goes to heaven, and that there aren't any exeptions: bad people will change there ways, for
but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

1 corinthians 13:10-12
1,448 posts

No this is heaven.

1,621 posts

not really im not dieing of disease or living on the streets starving to death so this is nowhere near a hell unless your a kind of person that gets bullied alot and beat then yea it would be like hell but not even close

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