ForumsWEPRHippocrates and heroes

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148 posts

ok. so now whats been going on in the middle east is phenomenal. for the past decades people have been oppressed. now because of the internet we are revolutionizing this whole region. finally tyrants like Qaddafi, Hosny Mubarak and others are being put to justice. and finally america, the UN and te EU are condemning these tyrants' actions.

but wait! what about my last sentence... i said FINALLY. that mean for the past 40 years these so called justice governments have been turning a blind eye to those people suffering from the oppression.

so really the heads of government are merely Hippocrates. they have been supporting tyrant regimes but now they are taking a side with the people.

if these governments were truly righteous. they would have supported the people in these regimes years ago. i mean im not radical or something i am just a moderate Muslim. im just pointing out the western governments are no real heroes for the people in the middle east.

  • 4 Replies
4,752 posts
Grand Duke

Hippocrates was a Greek physician, who allegedly laid the foundations of scientific medicine. Hence, I think the word you're looking for is hypocrites.
Anyway, yes Governments -worldwide- have often turned a blind eye. Therefore, aye, frequently they are phoney. And again yes; they should in all likelihood have assisted these countries in need, in their quest for freedom and -sure- they should have brought these oppressors to justice.
However, unfortunately [or luckily], we cannot expect everything from the Government. The Government is not Jesus Christ our Saviour. You have to do something to make them help you. As they Ancient Greeks said "Syn Athena kai xeira kinei" [=Along with Athena, move also your hand], or if you prefer God [in this case the Government] helps those who help themselves.
In this particular case the dictators are being put to justice because their citizens overthrew them, not because some politician woke up one morning righteous and virtuous.

148 posts

well i totaly agree with you. funny since a lot of governments are based on these virtues and good deeds

2,420 posts

I just hope that it isn't replaced by something the same. Revolutions often institute the same system they fought to overthrow in the first place. Look at France, Cuba, the USSR. They all went through the same thing, but I just hope it doesn't happen here.

148 posts

well you shouldnt worry about that since the people have found a new grown courage. i have a friend who lives in bahrain and he said to me that the people are willing to give their lives and if there r other dictators they will do the same thing again till justice is sereved

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