I do see him respond from time to time. Though given his record I have to wonder if he really is interested in learning anything, as I have seen him make the same arguments over and over that have already been shot down.
Thank you Mage. I would have responded, but the same night I created the thread, my computer went haywire.
Time for me to respond, like people apparently think I should.
Last I checked deists believed god created the universe then stepped back and let things run it's course. So what is up with all this intervention young earth creationism crap from you lately?
I was trying to solidify my theory. Since you guys like to debate, and I am amazingly lazy, I thought you guys could do the research for me. It seems to work most of the time.
How many times do you have to be told this before it sinks into your head?
This is the first time I have heard about burden of proof.
Given we can find the required materials all over the place even in outer space, how is it so unbelievable that a god was unnecessary?
If you take all the parts for a man, the legs, head, eyes, arms, etc., throw them into a pot and let it simmer for a while, you will still end up with Human stew. Not a human. Just because the pieces are there does not mean that they miraculously came together under their own free will and formed humans.
The problem with this definition is similar to the argument of "I don't know so God did it" but in this case it's more like "I don't fully understand it so it's god" in both cases your just applying god where it's unneeded.
If someone could fully explain it to me, without any holes in their thinking whatsoever, then I would have to admit that their is not a god. However, if you cannot 100% prove to me that their is no way whatsoever of their being a god, I am going to go one believing that their is some deity in the universe, somewhere, that helped form this planet.
The decay of earths rotation is very slow only accounting for about 14 hours lost.
Really? Because at the rate it is going now, that is an impossible figure. We slow down a second every year, at the current rate. If you assume that the world is 4.7 billion years old, then you have 4.7 billion seconds to add together. That come to approx 443 years of slow down. That would mean that at one point the Earth was spinning at an amazing velocity, far to fast for any substatial amounts of gasses to stay on the surface.
You clearly don't possess the critical thinking skills required to see through their bull.
Is this a very subtle way of telling me I am stupid? Why? For looking at evidence provided by a different souce than you and taking it for granted, just like you do?
I rarely read the websites I post. I look for the information on the website that I wish to show, and then I post it. Very rarely do I look at a website and get swayed by exactly what it is saying.