Here, I have decided to make a central area for Armatar discussion. Just say anything you want about Armatars that isn't a)disregarding any usual rules b)spammy spam lol c)a spoiler about how you unlock certain Armatars d)anything else, that, under common sense, is inappropriate
So go ahead! 'Do you have a unique/rare Armatar' was locked as it had turned into a General Armatar Discussion! So now let's fill that purpose! ^-^
Then I will unlock a new pack and post my old pack so I will trick all of you!
You shouldn't even be posting the whole pack of Armatars. And you just said that you will post your old pack when you unlock a new pack and people can just check your profile to see how many Armor Points you have then go to control panel then Armatars to see how many Armor Points is required for the old pack. So, no, you shouldn't do it.
Even Matrix.
I have all Armatars, which makes your argument invalid.
My post covers all points. You can't trick me with it since I have all Armatars. Also, you can't trick a trickster.
Hmm, there aren't many Armatars that I would choose from now. I've grown a liking for this Centaur Armatar. And I don't see anyone else with it. I'd prefer the Minotaur, but goumas uses it.
I've used my armatar since I unlocked it. And it shall not be changed. Unless I want to mess with people. They might think I went away if I changed it. XD
Kevin, don't troll the thread. Be on topic in the thread or don't post. It's obvious what the thread is about. Oh, and it's not spam. Spam on Armor Games is defined as useless posts that don't contribute to the thread and that's exactly what you're doing, it's also posting things under 7 words, which you haven't done.
Do you choose your Armatar because your favorite color is pink, Kevin? I used the purple one for two days, it's not my favorite color, but to me it's one of the better shield background colors.
I remember when I used a shield, I used the blue background and a red background.
When I made my account and didn't use it for anything besides playing games I left it as the shield with the blue background. That had to have been around a month or two.
Kevin, don't troll the thread. Be on topic in the thread or don't post. It's obvious what the thread is about. Oh, and it's not spam. Spam on Armor Games is defined as useless posts that don't contribute to the thread and that's exactly what you're doing, it's also posting things under 7 words, which you haven't done.
Do you choose your Armatar because your favorite color is pink, Kevin? I used the purple one for two days, it's not my favorite color, but to me it's one of the better shield background colors.
Once AG3 comes out, you'll see my armatar or whatever. Maybe sooner.
Whatever. I'll leave this pointless thread if you want me.
Everyone does. Stop spamming and do something useful.
Pointing out spam is spam. Best thing to do is to ignore the post and post something related to the topic.
I've used my armatar since I unlocked it.
The two main people that I notice with the wolf Armatar is you and NoNameC68, since you both have had it for such a long time. I normally notice people with certain Armatars besides looking at their names.
Alright, I won't be posting in here anymore unless someone else besides Calvin posts. I don't want this thread to get locked due to post chatting.
I personally beleive that their should be more armatars avalible that dont have an image of a man on them. Mainly more varitey on the armatars avalible to girls.