Here, I have decided to make a central area for Armatar discussion. Just say anything you want about Armatars that isn't a)disregarding any usual rules b)spammy spam lol c)a spoiler about how you unlock certain Armatars d)anything else, that, under common sense, is inappropriate
So go ahead! 'Do you have a unique/rare Armatar' was locked as it had turned into a General Armatar Discussion! So now let's fill that purpose! ^-^
Congrats, it's what most people chose when they get that much AP. *nods at what I said earlier*
Right now, I'm just waiting to see what the 1 750 armatars are like, even though I'm about 150 AP away, I'm excited. Hopefully, they're better than the 1500, those ones were awful for me bar one which is already in use so I decided not to use it.
Patrick, a lot of people just like adding on H's to words I guess. Meh, Bunneh, Yeh like that sort of.
That one you're using PP, I don't really like it seems a bit too 'brown' for my liking, but the outline is pretty decent I hope that the 1 750 armatars are good.
ehhhhhh a little i guess and please do not call me pp inmeture children start to make fun of me for that nick would be like pocket or something (again inmature people make fun of me for pick) really pisses me off not that ur doing it just u know how annoying little kids get when they see pp LOL!
@Calvin: If you are actually concerned about double posting, I would recommend reposting the entire post with the correction, so a mod can actually remove the flawed post without being a jerk.
And this as devolved into the "I am using this armatar"/"I think this is cool" again. Just because it says 'General' in front of 'Armatar Discussion' does not mean it is an Armatar chat, nor that you should ignore the 'Discussion' in the end of it.