I want to request rejecting my submitted game to AG.Already i sent a message in "Contact Armor Games" page.The message contain my game info, Title and Reason.I don't know that is enough.Some advice please.
You might want to tell cormyn or jroyster22, I am not even sure if they get the emails. I sent one in November and still haven't gotten a reply.
I had sent a Message by "Contact" page some days ago.And my game have not been published on AG.My purpose was success. (That's feel so queer! '~'But, i submitted my game again!!!And Kongregate too.Play at here : http://kon.gg/gDGsnLI am expect to publish by AG!
I tried it, and not really my type of thing.
u might want to try either cormynor jroyster22and possibly the head of game designing for ag john[url=http://armorgames.com/user/John]
sorry for the double post but the link to the last person was head of game designing for armorgames john http://armorgames.com/user/John
Why would you want your game rejected?!?!? anything is welcome here. and if it's your first game we don't expect it to be perfect.
@wonsorang Email me with the title of your game and I will take care of it for you! support@armorgames.com
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