Pirates. They were just British and french drunks sent by there governments to try and steal Spanish gold. They mostly lost because Spanish galleons were the biggest ships in the sea.
Very true. I have to ask the question though... Why did you make this thread in the WEPR? It is more a tavern type of thread, but even there... I don't know. It seems to have no point.
Perhaps the political reasons as to why the British used them, and if it was the equivilant of during the cold war Russia and the U.S supported terrorists where they wanted influence?
i will always think of pirates as people with wooden legs and eye patches yelling ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR and sometimes as them in the anime one piece i dont like the modern day pirates
Its not the Somalians fault. Foreign ships started fishing in there areas and the natives could not compete. So any time a foreign ship would pass through there waters they would rob them.