so my cat (whose a total w word) got knocked up about 7 months ago. the kittens were super cute and all was well until about 2 months ago. they had to live outside, which is fine, because we live on 80 acres in the mountains. but now, they tear out the garbage, out of the cans, they poop and pee everywhere, and i don't have the money to get any of them fixed, or take them to an animal shelter to be put down. so my question is, is it ok to shoot animals when there is no better alternative. i would suggest putting an ad for them in the paper, but they are kind of wild now and i live in an area where there isn't really much of a town, just a lot of trailer parks. so cats are already a problem for most of the populated areas. i guess im looking for justification, or maybe a better just a better idea of what to do with them.
I would suggest calling around and seeing if there are any shelters that have free spay and neuter programs. An animal shelter would likely take them off your hands to adopt them out, rather then put them down, unless they are very sick. You can also look into seeing if there are any animal services who can come and get them for you if you are unable to bring them to a place where they can be adopted out yourself.
It seems that, due to the area you are in, the cats are likely near feral by now and as such adoption really isn't an option. In such cases I would try relocating them, perhaps to public land well away from your property. If that isn't feasible or doesn't work then look for other alternatives.
As for shooting them, it's really up to you how you feel about it. However many states have different laws regarding execution of animals. I know when I was younger the laws where I was at the time declared it legal to shoot them so long as it resulted in instantaneous death. You really want that to be a last resort though, and make sure you or your parents do all the requisite research first.
you cant just shoot kittens youd probably go to jail for it just take them to the vet to put them down or you can always just take them to an animal shelter and say you found them on the street or something
i used to think i was a racist cuz i dont like some of the things that certain races do. but i kinda just contradicted myself because my girlfriend is asian and im white. am i racist or not idk
It seems that, due to the area you are in, the cats are likely near feral by now and as such adoption really isn't an option.
Cats going feral isn't that big of an issue, they have a natural tendency to associate with us. Interestingly cats are the only species that domesticated themselves.
i know, i was looking for morals on the subject. personally, i do not think much higher of cats than i do ground squirrels. they are a rodent to me. but i know that alot of people have a more un biased opinion, and i wanted some insight.
i know, i was looking for morals on the subject. personally, i do not think much higher of cats than i do ground squirrels. they are a rodent to me. but i know that alot of people have a more un biased opinion, and i wanted some insight.
Ultimately your morals are your own, and it's your decision. Like me personally, I'd rather shoot another human than a cat, but that's just because of my fondness for animals and my inherent dislike of my own species.
Cats going feral isn't that big of an issue, they have a natural tendency to associate with us. Interestingly cats are the only species that domesticated themselves.
Yeah, I agree but it still depend on the cats and the individual. If the cats are feral they really don't need people and if they have food and other cats they wouldn't care less about people. Also reaper would have to individually lure, trap and befriend each cat before trying to give it away for adoption. The cats would go through the unnecessary stress of going through the process and losing cat family and going through multiple owners.
My advice is to try to find an animal shelter to take them or just evict them (take them far away from your property, like an more urban area). It might not be the best solution but at least they have a chance and you don't have to deal with them.