The people who are still alive? You, while you are on your death bed? Your children, their children, their children, and who ever you benefited would all care.
sure, they would care, but how could i if i was dead.
And? It wouldn't benefit you, of course, it wouldn't make you feel worm and fuzzy, or any of those idiotic selfish reasons that you seem to be after. Think of it like a book, if you can make a good, full book, then it doesn't matter if it ends.
i think your missing my point. if i choose atheism ,when i die nothing happens, then i will have lived my life for others. if i choose religion, when i die, nothing happens, and i lived my life for others. either way, i benefit others, and i die and go on to nothing. what's the difference, except with religion, at least i get to think i get to go on to something better.
A lich is a necromancer who revived himself, aka Jesus, or that is what it sounds like to me. And the major difference is that Atheism "targets" non vulnerable people such as students in a seminar while Christians target the mentally vulnerable such as children, prison inmates, and the poor.
right right, i remember now, from morrowind. anyway, college kids go with whats popular. we all know that. hipsters and hippies, and stoners and alcoholics, and party people, and jocks, and cheerleaders. of all the kids in college, i would bet that maybe 5% could even comprehend what your saying. now, i think we've gotten off on the wrong foot, because you seem to think that i'm religious. quite the contrary, i believe in no specific god, or deity. i just want some insight, because from what ive seen, atheists are angry, rebellious, and shadow dwelling protesters. on the other hand, the majority of church goers are happy, have good families, with good morals, and a sense of home. all i wanted, was to hear the rational of both sides.
What is the quote again? Something like "Better a free man in the grave than living as a puppet or a slave"? "Live free or die"? There are a hundred quotes that basically state a life under that kind of power would be worthless.
uh huh, and being dead is somehow a better alternative. besides, to be in a church doesn't mean being a slave, or a puppet. if i have to say i believe to save my family if the time comes, i will do it.
There is also a possibility that the world was created by Giant Ninja Stouts, but that holds equal credibility to your god, which is none. Don't dismiss the Stouts, that would be closed minded of you.
absolutely correct, and i didn't dismiss them. this is my point here, saying finite things may seem like a good way to go. but as you point out, there is a possibility for anything. being a man of logic, and truth, you would have to admit, that you yourself could be wrong in your belief as well as every other human on earth. all im saying, is if you don't believe them, and you know what you know is correct, then why worry about it at all.
And what would be the point of that life? And my I ask what is your purpose now? Your aiming to die, and go to a magical palace with a Jewish sky faerie, so why not just "sit on your *** and smoke heroin until you die"? Your god would still let you in with open arms according to your own theology, so if it is somehow a logical thing to do then why are you not doing it at this moment?
i must have worded that one incorrectly or something. are you agreeing that there is no purpose? or are you simply trying to undermine what i have said by sarcastically agreeing with me. either way, i don't think i got the message through. i meant, in simpler terms, that if there is no rhyme or reason to this life, then why do i feel compelled to take care of my family. if nothing i do counts for anything, on a bigger scale, then why does anybody do anything?
Your religion states that a good 40% of the world will be tortured forever by your magical being, causes several terrorist attacks amounting in millions of deaths, and generally poisons society. How does that religion not suck?
are you referring to judaism or islamic? i don't have a religion, but i'm not going to blame an entire religion for the actions of extremists. just as i don't blame all black people for the couple of wannabe gangsters making ***** out of them selves.
also, 314d1, most of the quotes and rebuttals i used in my previous post were directed at other people. but i do appreciate your direct approach and your enthusiasm in trying to help me figure out which walk of life if any is best for me and my family.