ok u can level up by playing the level you are best at, with the hardest battle setting. do not do swarm only hear is GemCraft Labyrinth go and concer!!!
Use a single Red or Red/lime gem to blaze through the levels on armored only.
continue reading only if you've already beaten g7.
After you're done simply playing through, start working on how to use a lime/orange or lime/orange/yellow mana farm, while using a lime/yellow/red for damage, or else using a lime/orange/yellow trap to both kill monsters and farm mana. (Don't bother with the mana farm on the earliest maps.) You can always attack tombs, but you have to set a gem to target tombs.
Anger early waves. to abuse a pylon level, use a single red/lime(yellow) gem to kill monsters, while charging the pylonwith lesser gems. before you finish charging the pylon, note how many monsters your red gem has killed, then anger a random wave, untill the monsters you've summoned through anger equals monsterskilled-1.
I don't know but I really like playing with L/Y right from the start, no red but I'm wizard level 100 atm.
about traps - L/O/Y trap is good for both for premium only, or probably, once your lime component start exceeding 10.0, if I'm wrong and lime does not chain onto same target while in tower. Still, a set of grade 3 L/O and/or a grade 8+ L/O in a trap is a nice mana supplement regardless of level and your desires.
running your first post is a tip like thing that most people would leave in the game comments. fractalman posted something that looks like if it were to be posted on the game comments a large chunk of info would be lost in the many comments gemcraft has something small isn't 100% worthy of a whole thread unless it contains extremely important or information like "i found a hidden button that unlocks a training level!!!! here it is... with a picture and a small amount of text" my point being this isn't really a walkthrough at all without frac's post. it's just saying use this gamemode on this game for more xp. only reason im posting this is because it looks as if your attacking frac for posting helpful information on a not yet developed thread.
Firstly, I DON'T CARE whether or not I win something in 20 minutes. I play games for fun, not to grind on one particular part of the game and lose interest.
Secondly, your definition of walkthrough is flawed. A walkthrough is a run-down of game mechanics and a detailed explanation of potentially difficult levels. It is NOT "oh dis level is ezy so jus play that 4 the rast of ur live".
Thirdly, please type proper english. I have wasted time and brain cells to try and interpret what you are trying to say. Of course if you are from a country where english is not an official language then my sincere apologies; however my point still stands.
I can't say that it is most stupidest topic that i saw, but lies near of it. First, you made 3 errors in just name of topic. Second, your suggestion is copy from tutorial, which can be seen by every player in GCL. Third, replaying starting levels is extremely low on exp because low base field exp. One map after fourth pylon gives 4 times more exp.
1. learn to spell words. 2. learn to read what you just typed prior to sending. 3. your strategy has one major flaw - there's no strategy in this. One tip does not count for a walkthrough. Go read Sonny 2's walkthroughs, especially the one "All achievements in one game as a bio" to see a good example of what is a walkthrough. 4. Everyone wants APs :P 5. What's "rotflmbopo"?
THANK YOU Ruffyl! I said THIS IS MY 1ST HELP PAGE LOOK AT THIS TO SEE WAT I'M MADE OF http://armorgames.com/community/thread/7246237/corporation-inc-win-in-20-min
if you are wizard level 80 or 90 or higher you should be able to get some of the challenge amulets, the ones i found easiest were the "beat 100+ waves on field **". they give a nice amount of exp and skill points. if you cant do these then just try other levels on unlimited mode and get as far as you can
Too bad you guys caught me on the wrong time. It would not have changed anything, though. People, behave. No, really. Not all users are good at spelling, even if they are native to English, that is not a reason to go on about it, it is actually borderline trolling to continue to poke fun of the same thing. Either help properly, or shut up about it. Further, RunningWolf, it's not "your thread". This is a public forum, and besides the occasional requested lock, this is no more your thread than anyone else's . Especially if you can't put up properly helpful content, you should take the advice and tips with open arms.
To sum up for the people who just skipped the above: Behave properly. The internet is, if not the best place, to show the saying of "Do to others". If you are going to be gruff to people, people will be gruff to you. Be nice to people, and they might be gruff to you there too, but that is life. And you don't get mods locking your threads/blaming you on the lock of someone else's thread.
Walkthrough. Add tips to existing threads, or make a proper guide if there is no proper threads to add to.