For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. I will try to explain this verse to the best of my ability. For God so loved the world even though man sinned and sin entered the world God still loved the world and everyone in it. That He gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN SON He gave His ONlY SON to die for us. Imagine your a parent and you just found out that your son had to die for a bunch criminals how would you feel. That whoever believes in Him who expects Him into his/her heart will NOT perish (or in other turns go to hell) but have everlasting life. That means you won't suffer you will in hell if you believe in Him you will be with Him for an eternity. God loves us and wants us to be with Him the rapture is coming soon so become a Christian and DON'T get left behind( my next topic will be on the rapture and I will explain it as well).
On to the stupid gravity analogy, Gravity is something you cannot deny. Try jumping. You always hit the ground. Gravity isn't a belief, it is a fact. So trying to use it in a different context is where your fault is. How do you ignore gravity? I mean come on. We don't just say "I don't see gravity. So it can't be there! I don't believe in gravity!" Watch a leaf fall. BAM there's gravity.
A baby dies. He didn't have the chance to know or decide if he was a Christian. So he is going to Hell, oh yeah.
There is the theory that they go to the Limbo of Infants, because even though they were too young to have committed personal sins, they had not been freed from The Original Sin (the one committed by Adam and Eve).
Frankly it seems a tad sadistic and frivolous; as a result of Adam and Eve eating a bloody fruit 10,000 years ago He punished all humanity, even the admittedly innocent. That's so unprejudiced and just ...
Frankly it seems a tad sadistic and frivolous; as a result of Adam and Eve eating a bloody fruit 10,000 years ago He punished all humanity, even the admittedly innocent. That's so unprejudiced and just ...
It becomes even more problematic for those who regard the Genesis accounts as metaphorical.
It becomes even more problematic for those who regard the Genesis accounts as metaphorical.
The whole Bible is written in parables and is very ambiguous. It was basically made like this so that someone could freely interpret it how they want, good or bad.
The whole Bible is written in parables and is very ambiguous. It was basically made like this so that someone could freely interpret it how they want, good or bad.
Then we can't trust any of the information we get from the Bible.
A message that is so convoluted that it has 30,000+ variations. Not exactly what I would consider trust worthy.
And you guys accuse US of twisting words.... I meant the basic meanings like anything is possible, or love your neighbor, or make life the best it can be...
yes but there is a huge difference between a virgin birth and a maiden birth (Thanks to bad ancient hebrew to greek to latin to english translations). We are not twisting words, there are over 435 denominations of prostantism alone and several bible translations.
Then learn Hebrew and read the book in that language before you make any statements...
And you guys accuse US of twisting words.... I meant the basic meanings like anything is possible,
Don't remember where it says anything is possible?
or love your neighbor,
Despite the numerous examples of said followers in the Bible completely wiping out their neighbors? The source material tends to contradict itself far to often.