ForumsGame WalkthroughsPower Fox:4 Walkthrough

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ok so powerfox 4 is out where it is set in an indian scene n u have to fight 3 hindu gods Shiva, Ganesha and Hanuman.

So the controls are simple, arrow keys to move, the down arrow uses jackhammer, A to attack and "space" to pick up stuff

The stuff:
There are trucks with stones, they drop a stone. u can use jackhammer to break it n u get points or health
The auto-rickshaw guy:
Drops a bomb that goes out in a while but hurts, u can punch the bomb towards ure opponent
The animals:
The cow, hen, and pig drop health pickups when u beat em up
The delivery truck:
Once a while a truck drops a package, which has either 1)a crab claw:used instead of gloves, can defuse bombs 2) an ak-47 3)a flamethrower or 4) a lamp, which gives 5 wishes, 5(foxzilla being the best, then 4, 3 and so on

The gods:
Two attacks one is a snake thingy easy to dodge but high damage and fire leopards things which are a but hard to dodge. stay on the left attack when hes near and dodge the leopards(the knife behind him hurts)
AT first he uses some patter attack which is easy to dodge, then he calls elephants to stamp you from above, then he calles down nooses to hang you, or an elephant from the left to stamp u to the ground(the claw cuts the nooses)
Starts off my beating the ground, i suggest u get behind him ASAP and keep hitting him from behind.Then he summons tornadoes to go after you which are kinda like shivas leopards, excpet the come wherever you are, jump to dodge. then he goes back, calls some more tornadoes, comes back and uses some tail-bell move which hurts, but easy to avoid

Thats it, the only difference between the 3 difficulties is that the greater the difficulty, the more health you lose and lesser damage you do:
IF u find an attack hard to dodge, just hold down jackhammer, u will be invincible for that time

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