Yes, it is quite terrible and the force of nature has to be appreciated. The worst disaster in Japan since 1945 and worst quake since 140 years ago will likely deteriorate Japan's fragile economic recovery. And what is worse is that some nuclear reactors will likely overheat and result in radiation leaks. All of these factors may result in insured losses of up to $35 billion.
But I think the insurance industry may get a boost the higher the cost of the damage as the price of insurance will go up dramatically based on the stunning number of recent past years' disasters
Oops, sorry didn't notice the other thread until now. The title of the other thread is not very attention-catching however. It should have the word Japan or Japanese in it and the fact that it's not only Sendai that's being affected by the quake and the resulting tsunami makes it all the more misleading. Thank you for your consideration.
Why can't anyone spell Japan and Japanese? I've seen Japenese, Japonese, Japon, Jepan, and Jappos.
I thought it was jalapenos...
Anyways, if I know the Japanese, which I don't, they'll probably build some kind of super robot which shoots lasers from it's eyes, and it'll rebuild the entire city in seconds. Prejudice, I has them.
Anyways, in all seriousness, it's quite terrible what's happening. Is it just me, or have there have been an awful lot of natural disasters lately? Iceland's volcano, the earthquake on Haiti, Japan, etc... Methinks Mother Nature's pissed. What did we ever do to her?... Oh, right... Well, maybe it's just that time of the millennium.