ForumsNews and Feedback[duplicate] suggesting similar games (was: Armor "Playlist")

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21 posts

My idea is a notion called the Armor Playlist. By 'favoriting' games you can add them to your playlist, a list of games that appeal to you. Combined with this idea is what I call the AG Arsenal; this is something that is analogous to the Music Genome Project of Pandora. Like Pandora gives you suggestions for music, the AG Arsenal suggests games that it thinks you will like. If you like shooting and story-play, it will suggest more of those games to your playlist. With this idea, I think AG can bring an entire new world to online gaming-- a customizable fully personal game site. Your ratings and comments help the AG Arsenal choose what to suggest to you. If you get tired with a game you can delete it. I know this sounds hard but I think it would be a great addition. Would luv to see other armor gamers posting this so we can make this a reality. Thanks

  • 6 Replies
1,612 posts

Basically, this is a "similar games" or "you might also like" and that kind of stuff.
Well, cormyn liked this idea a while ago, if I well remember. He said that they could start showing games with similar tags.

128 posts

ya, that would be a good idea, i mostly like to just look around for a game that has a thumbnail that makes the game look good (you cant judge a game by its thumbnail i know but thats what i do)and i play them, it takes a while so i would like that idea because it really would save time

one question though, where would that be, on my page or next to the game when you are playing the game?

21 posts

i say it wold be on your profile page andand when you are playing the game. Then you get it both ways.

452 posts

I really like this idea . I came up with it a while ago... With Duo

452 posts

Ok, wait so if I 'favorite' a pixel game will my suggestions sight be filled with just pixel games or games that have similarity somehow, by this i mean how will Armor games be able to tell similarity in a game. Pandora does it by Year of song, type of music, and similar instruments and so on. How will these 'rinciples' be applied into games. And also where would the similar games bar be and how would it work. Would it be like you click on a game and it show similar games or will it always show games similar to your playlist?

21 posts

Ok, wait so if I 'favorite' a pixel game will my suggestions sight be filled with just pixel games or games that have similarity somehow, by this i mean how will Armor games be able to tell similarity in a game. Pandora does it by Year of song, type of music, and similar instruments and so on. How will these 'rinciples' be applied into games. And also where would the similar games bar be and how would it work. Would it be like you click on a game and it show similar games or will it always show games similar to your playlist?

1st Q:both i guess. So you will have pixel games if you like pixel games and suggested games that take in different variables like music, plot sound, type genre etc.
2nd Q:The principles would be style, character, type, genre, plot, music, color. Use you imagination!
3rd Q: My idea for where the AG Arsenal tab would be when youre on your profile page on the bottom below your ranking and stats and when your playing a game, minimized on the side like a sidebar and u can maximize it and stuff.
4th Q:I would say it would show similar games to just your favorite games cause who really cares about a random game youre playing.

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