ForumsGame WalkthroughsMW2 intel locations 1-6

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#1 SSD:there is one laptop in the training stage.From the stairs leading down to the pits entrence.head north and locate an equipment shelf near the bases perimeter denoting the edge of the map.

#1 Team player:Inide the school' clear the second floor of enemies and follow the target ranger.sgt. foley from call of duty 4 will say "i saw one of them head into the class room,"which is were the intel is

#4 Team player:the intel is sitting on ammo crate outside rear entrence of school,next to p taxi cab

#5 Cliffhanger:after roach and soap split,there is a guard tower with the intel on its catwalk

#6 cliffhanger:the final intel on cliffhangeris on an ice field while while youre being chased by a russian kamov gunship and russian gaurds.what you want to do is locate this fence this landmark is found if you stay on the right sideof of the course.note that the distance shown here is relative. the objective marker shifts from place to place during the motor chase so the "1880 meters" is an estimate of where you will be when you see the fence from that fence you will turn 90 degrees out onto a very small clearing were the intel is in the small woody corpse, slightly on the right side.

copyright @phone unooficial game guide

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If you're going to start posting topics all the time where you say how to do ____ in Mw2. It would probably be best to make one topic and then just post all of your tips in that one topic. Then if you want to talk about DIFFERENT games make different topics.

Spreading out all these tips for one game is liable to get you into trouble eventually :P

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