ForumsPopular Media"C.R.B.W.C." : the Classic Rock Bands World Cup!

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14,745 posts

A lot of people have been asking me when the new edition of the 'CRBWC' would finally start (and I'm sorry it took me so long...), but I wanted to make the second edition even better and more fun than the first one!
(In case you wonder what the first one looked like: this is the 'CRBWC 2010'.)

After hours of fun (and stress!) in figuring out the new CRBWC schematics, the gathering of info on the participating bands and fabricating the additional pictures to it all, I'm proud of the final outcome and so, without further delay, let's kick off the 2011 edition of the

Now, some changes have been made to the second edition of this competition, so reading the rules and guidelines is something everyone needs to do, even the voters from last year's edition are advised to...

The format of this World Cup for Classical Rock Bands is based upon the organisation schematics of the Soccer World Cup. It has the same rules as the Soccer World Cup in terms of competitors proceeding through it, but it will follow a few rules of its own too.
Below is a short guide to elaborate the >binding rules< for this competition:

-The 'CRBWC' consist of a total of 24 rounds being presented one at a time.
-Each round will be open for voting for a maximum of 2 weeks or untill a band reaches the points limit.

-Each user of ArmorGames who wants to give a vote has the possibility to vote only once per round.
-All votes given by users are obligated to consist of an elaborated reasoning as to 'why' you choose these two bands. Votes lacking a proper elaborated reasoning, for example: "I like them" or "They rule", will not be counted. Elaborate on why you like them and talk about them, that's the main goal of this competition!
-Different to last year's edition, this time each vote in the group stage of this competition will consist of naming a "First choice" with with a value of 3 points and a "Second choice" with a value of 1 point.
-You only get to vote for two bands in a group. NO double voting for a single band and/or NO voting for more than two bands per group. No exceptions will be made in this matter.
-If two bands reach the limit of 30 points at the same time, the band with the most "First choices" will be declared as the winner of that round.
-The rule explained above, also applies if two bands reach a similar point count for second place at the same time in the 'Group Stage'.
-If, for any reason, two bands reach the limit of 30 points simultaniously and both have an equal amount of first and second choices, the band getting it's 'winning vote' first will be declared the winner.
-Further rounds after the group stage will have a 1 point count for each vote given and an according 10 points limit. Rules for declaring a winner will be applied according to the group stage rules.
-No discussions about the ruling on the outcome of a round are allowed.

-This stage will behold 8 different groups (A to H) consisting of 7 Classical Rock Bands to choose from.
-After closure, both the 'group winner' and the 'runner up' band will proceed to the knockout stage.
-All other remaining bands are eliminated from the competition.

-After completing the Group stage, the 'group winner' of the first group will be up against the 'runner up' of the second group. The 'group winner' of the second group will be up against the 'runner up' of the first group. This schedule will be followed for the rest of the groups, to clarify:
#1 Group A vs. #2 Group B (Winning band is called 'Winner I'
#1 Group B vs. #2 Group A (Winning band is called 'Winner II'
#1 Group C vs. #2 Group D (Winning band is called 'Winner III'
#1 Group D vs. #2 Group C (Winning band is called 'Winner IV'
#1 Group E vs. #2 Group F (Winning band is called 'Winner V'
#1 Group F vs. #2 Group E (Winning band is called 'Winner VI'
#1 Group G vs. #2 Group H (Winning band is called 'Winner VII'
#1 Group H vs. #2 Group G (Winning band is called 'Winner VIII'

-The next stage, the 1/4 finals, will be held in this order:
# Winner I vs. Winner V
# Winner II vs. Winner VI
# Winner III vs. Winner VII
# Winner IV vs. Winner VIII

-The semi finals will be held in the order of:
# Winner I/V vs. Winner II/VI
# Winner III/VII vs. Winner IV/VIII

-A number three and four is decided in a match between both 'losing' bands from the semi finals.
-Ranking of third and fourth place in this Final is decided upon the band that reaches the 10 points limit first.

-The Final match is held between both winning bands from the semi finals.
-When one of the bands in the Final reaches the limit of 10 points first, that band is declared the winner of the competition and is crowned The 'CRBWC' Champion 2011.
-The remaining band is ranked #2 in this competition.

-There will be NO playoffs held in this competition.
-You don't get to complain when 'your band' is eliminated from the competition. "Take the pain..."
-Swearing and obscene language is not tolerated. Always respect the opinion(s) of the other users participating in this thread, even if you disagree with their reasoning.
-If any situation should occur that is not explained and/or guided by the thread's rules, the 'Armor Games Community Forum Rules and Regulations' and the 'Popular Media Rules ("Read these rules or else...&quot' apply and are to be followed for this 'Classic Rock Bands World Cup'. They will be referred to when needed.
You can find them here:
Armor Games Community Forum Rules and Regulations
Popular Media Rules ("Read these rules, or else...&quot

Since this year's 'CRBWC' competition has a little more stuff to work with, I will start off as the sole Moderator for it, but there might be other moderators assigned over time if/when I see fit. Don't ask me for an assignment, since I will only assign people I know to have the same devotion to this competition and they will be revealed when the time comes, ok?

And last, but certainly not least... take heed:
So, whenever an AG administrator or moderator visits this thread and decides to alter/delete a user's post or take action on an item or discussion, listen and obide to them as you would throughout the rest of the ArmorGames website.

I hope the AG users will like and participate in this 'Classic Rock Bands World Cup'!
So my main advice to all participants is to simply... ENJOY!!!

Now... enough with the talk... shove everything aside and...

  • 797 Replies
161 posts

ZZ Top

I really like both bands, a lot... So this was a hard decision for me. But, ZZ Top pulls through.

I think ZZ Top is the better band all around, because of their beards

But on a more serious note. I do think that Rush has more superior drumming, and bass lines. Although Rush typically uses synth over bass.

The two bands sounds are just so different that it was hard to compare a lot of things. I personally like the way ZZ Top sounds better though.

I think ZZ Top is a more famous band, I mean Dusty Hill was on an episode or two of King of the Hill and he played Hank Hill's cousin I believe.

Also, ZZ Top is more my kind of rock anyways.

So, my vote goes for ZZ Top

5,860 posts

Very interesting battles. They both are 3 man bands with a ton of sound. But Rush is getting my vote. This was a very tough decision because I like both these bands a lot, but it came down to the great lyrics of rush.

3,766 posts

I have to go with Rush on this one. ZZ Top is not bad, but Rush is better for my ears. I like the tune of Rush better and that is what I look for most in a song. If I don't like the tune then I will never really like them. So Rush it is for me.

14,745 posts

And the first batch of votes is in!! And it's a close one people! Nice to see we have a real battle on our hands once again! It's been way to long since 2 bands were side by side chasing for victory in a battle!! =D

@ wajor59 : LOL Well, a lot of rock music is all about the S. D. & RnR you know... so ZZ Top is actually a bit mild with those elements...

@ Schmiddy1234 : You know there are example videos of both competing bands with the posting of every new round, right? Just a hint there...

@ Ernie15 : I totally get what you mean with the video for "Sleeping Bag"! That whole video makes no sense and has a story as thin as, well... thinner than paper! LOL

@ Maverick4 : True and nice trivia there, but you DO know that the guy named "Beard" DOES have a mustache... so, does that count? LOL =P

@ mattduggan13 : Please elaborate a little more there... maybe why you like ZZ Top's music or what they have over Rush except for being psychedelic for example?

So let's round up the first score count! It's a close one thus far!!

K.O. round # H :

4 - Rush
5 - ZZ Top


Now... let's see who will be the one winning this exciting fight for the last spot in the 1/4 Finals of the CRBWC!

Nothing's decided and everything's still possible! Decide the fate for both bands and favour your champion!!!


1,075 posts

@ Schmiddy1234 : You know there are example videos of both competing bands with the posting of every new round, right? Just a hint there...

Lol at that time i didn't have speakers to listen to them >.> But now i can so yeah... ;3
13,344 posts

That whole video makes no sense and has a story as thin as, well... thinner than paper!

My favorite part is when the bad guy goes into the woods to capture the girl and you see his shadow through the tent. But of course, he doesn't go alone; he brings his backup dancers.

And what role does ZZ Top play in the video? Why does it go from some oddball story in Texas to them blasting off in a pyramid?

Though upon searching for that video, I did discover this awesome song of theirs that I didn't know existed.

ZZ Top - TV Dinners
14,745 posts

@ Schmiddy1234 : Well be sure to let me know how the songs by Rush worked out for you and whether you might want to change you vote or not?! Ok?

@ Ernie15 : LOL Great fun without any coherence right?! Hahahaaa XP
Well, talking about those the dancers in the woods... they actually were those three girls from the Red ZZ Top hardtop custom car!! And they came to give the couple in the tent (Why would you go lay in a tent in the woods when all you want to do is sleep? Weird... LOL) a helping hand with fighting off those mean mean men with a scythe (Why that? What the... WUT?!) coming at them! LMAO

The whole video made no sense whatsoever! North, south, east, west, ANY direction but skyward in a custom red space shuttle would have been good! Well... you HAVE to admit that the thing looked awesome!

6,672 posts

it's not even a compition, ZZ-top doesnt have ANYTHING against Rush.

Rush is one of the top ten most talented groups of musicians to ever play together in one group. I could only name a few bands that could match the amount of talent that rush brings to the table (Yes, ELP, DT, bela felck and the flecktones, dixie dregs, mahavishnu orchestra)

ZZ-top is decent at the most. they some pretty good guitar work, but even that, they dont match ANY of the levels that Rush is on

14,745 posts

Hey... is it my fault that I knew upfront that this was going to be a tie after the last score count?! =/

LOL I just knew you were going to be rushing to the thread to state your vote for Rush, when I told you they were battling ZZ-Top right now!

So, people... TADAA! And it's a tie! I can't believe we have ourselves ANOTHER tie so close after the last ones in the previous battle...
And I wonder what the eventual outcome of this battle will be, because both bands seem to be equal in popularity and thus run side by side! Anyway, here's the tied vote count :

K.O. round # H :

5- Rush
5 - ZZ Top


Now... let's see if one of these great bands has the power and the means (read: votes!) to pull away and make a decent enough gap to claim the win in this battle! Because I would hate to end this battle at a point where one of them has one more vote over the other at the end of the running time...

So help me out here people! Decide who's to win and state your reasoned votes!! VOTE!!!

784 posts

ZZ Top for me. I don't care for the lead singer of Rush's voice all that much, so it makes it hard to listen to any of their songs and enjoy them.

202 posts

ZZ Top
I watched all of the videos for both of the bands and the only ones I liked were The Spirit of Radio and T.V. Dinner. Out of the two I enjoyed listening to T.V. Dinner more.
I probably should elaborate but I don't know what else to say

8,256 posts

Er, I meant ZZ Top. Yeah...
Rushs music is enjoyable, they've got good instrumentalists and the singer has a nice voice, a better trained voice than ZZs one I'd say. But the music of ZZ Top, although it is repetitive, or probably even because of it, is more intoxicating, it has style and is more Rock'n'Roll. Rush has this little feel-good-music side that I'm not in the mood for right now.

6,672 posts

i'm disappointed in all of you

8,256 posts

i'm disappointed in all of you

I think I agree with you that Rush is more talented.. but if they had soooo much talent as you say they have, how can a band like ZZ Top still sound as nice and have their distinctive sound, while Rush sounds more like a mix of The Eagles and The Police?
1,075 posts

i'm disappointed in all of you

Ur disappointed in us for what? We didn't do anything wrong o.O

And HahiHa Congratz on 3,000 forum posts!
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