Yesterday morning, I saved my game and left the Armor Games website as usual. But when I came back later in the day, all trace of my save was gone: All my achievement progress was at 0, my playtime was listed as 00:00 and I was only given the option of starting a new game. I posted on the game's webpage and several people have responded, but the problem still hasn't been solved. I really don't want to lose that data because I've spent quite a few evenings on that game already.
NO, once it's gone it's gone. Unless you were using a different browser or something. You MUST use the same browser and you MUST allow armor games to save files on your computer. That all i think i know.
I had already saved and loaded the game several times previously; so I must have allowed Armor Games to save files on my computer. I used the same browser as always, and connected with the same wireless network. I didn't change any settings; everything was normal.
This is really sad. All that progress just suddenly disappeared, for no apparent reason.
I still have my save data and I haven't played it for over a year now. Check your Flash Shared Objects folder and look through the or folders for Arcuz if you haven't saved anything new recently.
If you've run CCleaner or some other program to remove files, you might've deleted it accidentally.
You probably deleted it without meaning too. Clearing your cookies could cause it to be deleted.
To the best of my knowledge save game files are stored as LSO cookies. The reason for this is because LSO cookies do not expire and can be much larger than normal cookies. In a lot of instances they can not be deleted without a separate add-on either. I won't get anymore technical because it probably wouldn't help anyway. Also the article that SheWhoMustNotBeNamed posted a link to would explain it if you are playing on the BETA site.
Sorry for the slow reply... I don't know whether I'm playing on the beta site or not; I just play from In any case, the save is still gone. And I can't find "armorgames", "arcuz", "Appdata" or "Flash" because Windows Vista's search function is so awful.
by filling in your Vista username, there should be another folder with random letters and numbers. Open that folder and there should be a bunch of other folders.
Inside, I found a folder named arcuz-5003.swf and inside that, a file named Arcuz.sol. It was last modified on March 14, which seems promising because I'm pretty sure that was the last time I saved the game correctly.
Unfortunately, Arcuz is still showing no sign that it has any record of my previous progress.
Also, how do I know if I'm playing on the beta site or not?
Unless you're using your AGv3 account, you're not playing on the beta site. It should say for the beta site and just for the regular website.
I don't know why it wouldn't allow you to load your Arcuz file if you still have it. Your game is obviously still there.
I don't know why it wouldn't allow you to load your Arcuz file if you still have it. Your game is obviously still there.
Sorry to butt in here but surely this is virtually the same problem that I've reported for GemCraft Labyrinth. If the local save succeeds but the server doesn't respond to a save attempt, then if the player doesn't try saving again, the game shows 'negative skill points' next time they play even though their game was saved locally so there shouldn't be any problem.
Maybe there is a bug around reading the local save file for games which also store data on the server. Maybe the system doesn't check whether the server data is out of date, and uses it instead of the local file which is more recent.
Well dietonight, I think you should take a backup copy of your save file. If - a very big if - there is an identifiable bug which gets fixed, perhaps in AG3, then at that point you should be able to copy the file back into your cache folder and recover your game.
Meanwhile, it's always worth a try to clear your browser cache and try reloading the game. But you've probably already done that.
Unfortunately there's nothing more I can suggest. :-/