I dunno who made up this big 4 thing, metallica i can understand, they are awesome live, but who cares about Anthrax in this day and age? Anyway, Metallica is the least worst
What the- I haven't heard much of the new stuff, but Indians and Madhouse are great.
This is a hard one for me. Anyway, I think I'm going to have to say Metallica. Megadeth is good, but I don't think they are the best band out there. Only old Anthrax is good, when they had Joey Belladonna. He was a great vocalist for them. They had a very upbeat sound when he was around. Slayer is really good, but too many inappropriate songs, i.e. Necrophiliac. =/
I've seen Metallica perform live twice now and they definitely do blow your mind! \\m/_
I'll be attending a concert from Slayer and Megadeth coming April, so I'm not completely accurate in my opinion yet... but Megadeth is a favorite as well next to Metallica! We'll see it when I've seen them! Hahaa... =)
For me it would definately be Megadeth. They released two of the greatest metal albums of all time Rust in Peace and Peace Sells. Killing is my Buisness and So Far So good So What are also pretty **** good. Next would be Slayer because of Hell Awaits, Show No Mercy and Haunting the Chapel EP.
u all suck... cept Motorhead. and EnterOrion metallica is junk. there isnt one album they have that does not have one or more bad songs. and they sell out bad songs too COUGHCOUGHone,fadetoblack,entersnadmanCOUGH. they are sell ous, period.
now i say this to ZombiePie: WTF!>!>!?!??!?! anthrax is awesome! they are only underrated cuz they have fewer albums (news flash, Anthrax and Metallica have the same number of albums) they got less good once Joey Belladonna left but they didnt suck like Metallica did.
now i say this about the big four in general: who the hell chose the big four???!?!? Anthrax and Metallica shouldnt be in it. Exodus and Venom should be in it. they were formed before all of the big four. they are always thrash metal, never anything else. i like them better than three of the four bands (all but Megadeth)
now, my fav big four member: Megadeth. i dont think i need to say why....