Here's a list of the 'Rebuild' building and...oh you read the Topic so just read this if you need it
Trailer Parks are changeable to Farms Farms are changeable to Trailer Park or Suburbs Suburbs are changeable to Farms Parking Lots* are changeable to Farms or Suburbs Parks* are changeable to Farms or Suburbs Rubble* is changeable to Farms or Suburbs Schools are changeable to Apartments Apartments are changeable to Schools Motels* are changeable to Schools and Apartments Offices* are changeable to Schools and Apartments Hospitals are changeable to Churches Churches are changeable to Hospitals or Laboratories Laboratories are changeable to Churches or Bars Bars are changeable to Laboratories McNoodles* are changeable to Hospitals or Churches Warehouses* are changeable to Hospitals or Churches XxOR Gas Stations* are changeable to Laboratories or Bars 8-12 Stores* are changeable to Laboratories or Bars Police Stations stay as Defenses Malls* are changeable to Defenses All-Mart shops* are changeable to Defenses
UNCHANGEABLE BUILDINGS City Hall (but you'll need 10 leaders) Evil Graveyard (but you'll need 10 soldiers)