Hi, i just thought i'd make a tutorial for all those people wondering how to get to the 7th zone in sonny 2.
To get to it, you need to, most importantly, play on 'HEROIC' difficulty. Next thing is DON'T do any practice battles. If you do you can't make it to the 7th zone. Finally you CAN'T repeat any bosses that you have already beaten on that profile.
All bosses/hard guys on heroic are: Twisted experiment, warden, ZPCI elite, felecity, cult leader, baron brixius (use disrupt/focus draining moves), captain hunt, the real hobo, clemons, the magic monkey, cockroach, the bunny, the hydra, the mayor, the metal warden, time bomb, nostalgia, some fire guy who does lots of damage, the judge, doctor klima, either north/south or east/west guys (get them both down to low health other wise the one left owns you) and the corruptor (DO NOT KILL THE ORBS) Sorry if I missed some!