Well Stormtrooper1, Armorgames allows many ads to be played on each page on the whole site. If there is anything Crude, Violent, Or Bad to the children. You can just Report it to the moderators or administrators and they will Probably take off that ad.
I thin the ads that are shown are based off of your search history. So it's your fault if you see an inappropriate one. And just so you know, you're supposed to put your entire comment in the OP.
But some of these ads a little bad for children, anyone?
I doubt that the children who visit a PG-13 site to play Dark Cut 2 and other games of that nature would be unable to handle a couple cute girls in bikinis.
nah the only adds that i dont like are those ones that are moving, and take up alot of graphics it makes the preloader slower and generally makes me lagg and i hate it lol.
The ads are partly based on your search history, especially pages with ads from Google, who know a lot about your search preferences.
Other ads try to show ads that are relevant to your area (country, in some cases), etc. It's pretty complex.
Either way, if you see an ad you don't like, grab a screenshot of it and send it to help@armorgames.com or if you can upload your screenshot online, post a link to your screenshot on Dan's profile.