ForumsNews and FeedbackAG3 Calendar: March 22, 2011. Codename: Shortsword

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Sorry about not getting this thread built up earlier. We've crammed so much awesomeness into this release, it slipped my mind!

Here's a nibble of what's rolling out today, but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the newsletter! It has important notes on how to access stuff, what's changed, what we know isn't working, etc., so when you report bugs we don't have to say stuff like "did you read the newsletter?" and mark stuff as duplicates or already known. It'll make life easier for the webdev team!

- Friend Requests are here! The 'connect' button when viewing a user profile will now show you the Friend/Follow controls, but now the Friend control actually works. The recipient will get to accept or deny the friend request, or block you from communicating with them in the future.

- You can access your Inbox from the Utility Bar, so you can communicate with people without leaving the game you're playing. You can view a shorter list of your Inbox/Unread/Sent/Trash, and send new messages by clicking on utility bar -> activity stream -> inbox

- We've hooked up a better game favorites list, and also showing you your game play history (last 10 games), how many times you've played them, and a star next to the game means it's one of your favorites.

- We fixed lots of bugs in this release including stuff with game ratings, how followers are displayed, Inbox/Sent status bugs for unread/read messages, we added a 'load more' button on the Inbox, fixed a bug on the Miscellaneous game category page throwing errors.

- Users who are perma-banned on AG2 are now perma-banned on AG3. Many thanks to the user who thought he was some 1337 hax0r by getting into AG3 and sent messages around the system.

Known bugs (off the top of my head)

- even if you accept a friend request, the user may still show up on your dashboard as a 'ending friend request' on the right side of the screen. James is working on it, but it's now a show-stopper, so might not make it in today's release.

- there's a bug where if you're viewing a user's profile and use the 'send message' button from the utility bar->activity stream->inbox it will only allow you to send a message to the user whose profile you're visiting. This will be fixed in a future release (or may get fixed later today by the time we roll out our code).

- Accepting or Denying friend requests *do* work, but the messages may linger in your Inbox while the system processes your response before clearing the message from your Inbox. We'll speed this up in a future release.

Features we'd like your feedback on:

- If a user accepts or denies your friend request, you are not notified either way. If you'd LIKE to be notified when they accept your friend request, we can add this as a feature later, but we need someone to write it in Get Satisfaction, and other people to 'like' the idea. Denials or Blocks will never send you a notification.

  • 3 Replies
15,595 posts

Hmm, everything sounds good so far. I can't wait to get the newsletter so that I can clear my cache then start testing out the new features.
I'll be sure to report any problems.

Many thanks to the user who thought he was some 1337 hax0r by getting into AG3 and sent messages around the system.

we need someone to write it in Get Satisfaction

2,891 posts

Code is deployed. We're doing last minute checks, then we'll get the newsletter and invite codes out to everyone.

15,595 posts

Hmm, all the new features are working well. I haven't experienced any problems with them thus far.

The only thing that I've noticed about half hour ago was that on the activity stream, the text is blue. But, someone has already reported that on GS and Larry responded to it.

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